Tables for
Volume A
Space-group symmetry
Edited by Th. Hahn

International Tables for Crystallography (2006). Vol. A. ch. 4.3, p. 74

Section Maximal k subgroups

E. F. Bertauta

a Laboratoire de Cristallographie, CNRS, Grenoble, France Maximal k subgroups

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Maximal k subgroups of index [3] are obtained by `decentring' the triple cells R (hexagonal description), D and H in the trigonal system, H in the hexagonal system. Any one of the three centring points may be taken as origin of the subgroup.

  • (i) Trigonal system


    • (1) P3m1 (156) (cell a, b, c) is equivalent to H31m (a′, b′, c). Decentring of the H cell yields maximal non-isomorphic k subgroups of type P31m. Similarly, P31m (157) has maximal subgroups of type P3m1; thus, one can construct infinite chains of subgroup relations of index [3], tripling the cell at each step: [P3m1 \rightarrow P31m \rightarrow P3m1 \ldots]

    • (2) R3 (146), by decentring the triple hexagonal R cell [{\bf a}',{\bf b}',{\bf c}'], yields the subgroups P3, [P3_{1}] and [P3_{2}] of index [3].

    • (3) Likewise, decentring of the triple rhombohedral cells [D_{1}] and [D_{2}] gives rise, for each cell, to the rhombohedral subgroups of a trigonal P group, again of index [3].

      Combining (2) and (3), one may construct infinite chains of subgroup relations, tripling the cell at each step: [P3 \rightarrow R3 \rightarrow P3 \rightarrow R3 \ldots] These chains illustrate best the connections between rhombohedral and hexagonal lattices.

    • (4) Special care must be applied when secondary or tertiary symmetry elements are present. Combining (1), (2) and (3), one has for instance: [P31c \rightarrow R3c \rightarrow P3c1 \rightarrow P31c \rightarrow R3c \ldots]

    • (5) Rhombohedral subgroups, found by decentring the triple cells [D_{1}] and [D_{2}], are given under block IIb and are referred there to hexagonal axes, [{\bf a}',{\bf b}',{\bf c}] as listed below. Examples are space groups P3 (143) and [P\bar{3}1c] (163) [\matrix{{\bf a}' = \phantom{2}{\bf a} - {\bf b}, &{\bf b}' = \phantom{-}{\bf a} + 2{\bf b}, &{\bf c}' = 3{\bf c};\cr {\bf a}' = 2{\bf a} + {\bf b}, &{\bf b}' = -{\bf a} + \phantom{2}{\bf b}, &{\bf c}' = 3{\bf c}.\cr}]

  • (ii) Hexagonal system


    • (1) [P\bar{6}2c] (190) is described as [H\bar{6}c2] in the triple cell [{\bf a}',{\bf b}',{\bf c}']; decentring yields the non-isomorphic subgroup [P\bar{6}c2].

    • (2) [P6/mcc] (192) (cell a, b, c) keeps the same symbol in the H cell and, consequently, gives rise to the maximal isomorphic subgroup [P6/mcc] with cell [{\bf a}',{\bf b}',{\bf c}']. An analogous result applies whenever secondary and tertiary symmetry elements in the Hermann–Mauguin symbol are the same and also to space groups of classes 6, [\bar{6}] and [6/m].

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