Tables for
Volume A
Space-group symmetry
Edited by Th. Hahn

International Tables for Crystallography (2006). Vol. A. ch. 8.3, p. 738


H. Wondratscheka*

a Institut für Kristallographie, Universität, D-76128 Karlsruhe, Germany
Correspondence e-mail:

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Example of a space-group generation [{\cal G}: {P6_{1}22 \equiv D_{6}^{2}}] (No. 178)

  Coordinates Symmetry operations
[\hbox{\sf G}_{1}] (1) [x, y, z]; Identity I
[\!\matrix{\hbox{\sf G}_{2}\hfill\cr \hbox{\sf G}_{3}\hfill\cr \hbox{\sf G}_{4}\hfill\cr}] [\!\left.\matrix{t(100)\hfill\cr t(010)\hfill\cr t(001)\hfill\cr}\right\}] [\!\left\{\matrix{\hbox{These are the generating translations.}\hfill\cr {\cal G}_{4} \hbox{ is the group } {\cal T} \hbox{ of all translations}\hfill\cr \hbox{of } P6_{1}22\hfill\cr}\right.]
[ \hbox{\sf G}_{5}] [(2)\ \bar{y},x - y, z + {1 \over 3};] Threefold screw rotation
[ \hbox{\sf G}_{5}^{2}] [(3)\ \bar{x} + y, \bar{x}, z + {2 \over 3};] Threefold screw rotation
[ \hbox{\sf G}_{5}^{3} = t(001):] Now the space group [{\cal G}_{5} \equiv P3_{1}] has been generated  
[ \hbox{\sf G}_{6}] [(4)\ \bar{x},\bar{y}, z + {1 \over 2};] Twofold screw rotation
[ \hbox{\sf G}_{6}* \hbox{\sf G}_{5}] [(5)\ y,\bar{x} + y,z + {5 \over 6};] Sixfold screw rotation
[ \hbox{\sf G}_{6}* \hbox{\sf G}_{5}^{2}] [x - y,x,z + {7 \over 6} \sim (6)\ x - y,x, z + {1 \over 6};] Sixfold screw rotation
[ \hbox{\sf G}_{6}^{2} = t(001):] Now the space group [{\cal G}_{6} \equiv P6_{1}] has been generated  
[ \hbox{\sf G}_{7}] [(7)\ y,x,\bar{z} + {1 \over 3};] Twofold rotation, direction of axis [110]
[ \hbox{\sf G}_{7}* \hbox{\sf G}_{5}] [(8)\ x - y,\bar{y},\bar{z};] Twofold rotation, axis [100]
[ \hbox{\sf G}_{7}* \hbox{\sf G}_{5}^{2}] [\bar{x},\bar{x} + y, \bar{z} - {1 \over 3} \sim (9)\ \bar{x},\bar{x} + y, \bar{z} + {2 \over 3};] Twofold rotation, axis [010]
[ \hbox{\sf G}_{7}* \hbox{\sf G}_{6}] [\bar{y},\bar{x},\bar{z} - {1 \over 6} \sim (10)\ \bar{y},\bar{x},\bar{z} + {5 \over 6};] Twofold rotation, axis [[\bar{1}10]]
[ \hbox{\sf G}_{7}* \hbox{\sf G}_{6}* \hbox{\sf G}_{5}] [\bar{x} + y,y, \bar{z} - {1 \over 2} \sim (11)\ \bar{x} + y, y,\bar{z} + {1 \over 2};] Twofold rotation, axis [120]
[ \hbox{\sf G}_{7}* \hbox{\sf G}_{6}* \hbox{\sf G}_{5}^{2}] [x,x - y, \bar{z} - {5 \over 6} \sim (12)\ x,x - y,\bar{z} + {1 \over 6};] Twofold rotation, axis [210]
[ \hbox{\sf G}_{7}^{2} = \hbox{\sf I}] [{\cal G}_{7} \sim P6_{1}22]