Tables for
Volume B
Reciprocal space
Edited by U. Shmueli

International Tables for Crystallography (2006). Vol. B. ch. 1.1, pp. 3-4   | 1 | 2 |

Section Volumes

U. Shmuelia*

aSchool of Chemistry, Tel Aviv University, 69 978 Tel Aviv, Israel
Correspondence e-mail: Volumes

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The reciprocal relationship of V and [ {V}^{*}] follows readily. We have from equations ([link], ([link] and ([link] [ {\bf c}\cdot {\bf c^{*}} = {({\bf a} \times {\bf b})\cdot ({\bf a}^{*} \times {\bf b}^{*})\over {VV}^{*}} = 1.] If we make use of the vector identity [({\bf A} \times {\bf B})\cdot ({\bf C} \times {\bf D}) = ({\bf A}\cdot {\bf C}) ({\bf B}\cdot {\bf D}) - ({\bf A}\cdot {\bf D}) ({\bf B}\cdot {\bf C}), \eqno(] and equations ([link] and ([link], it is seen that [ {V}^{*} = 1/{V}].

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