Tables for
Volume B
Reciprocal space
Edited by U. Shmueli

International Tables for Crystallography (2006). Vol. B. ch. 2.2, p. 225   | 1 | 2 |

Section Formulae estimating two-phase structure seminvariants of the first rank

C. Giacovazzoa*

aDipartimento Geomineralogico, Campus Universitario, I-70125 Bari, Italy
Correspondence e-mail: Formulae estimating two-phase structure seminvariants of the first rank

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Two-phase s.s.'s of the first rank were first evaluated in some cs. space groups by the method of coincidence by Grant et al. (1957[link]); the idea was extended to ncs. space groups by Debaerdemaeker & Woolfson (1972[link]), and in a more general way by Giacovazzo (1977e[link],f[link]).

The technique was based on the combination of the two triplets [\eqalign{\varphi_{{\bf h}_{1}} + \varphi_{{\bf h}_{2}} &\simeq \varphi_{{\bf h}_{1} + {\bf h}_{2}}\cr \varphi_{{\bf h}_{1}} + \varphi_{{\bf h}_{2} {\bi R}} &\simeq \varphi_{{\bf h}_{1} + {\bf h}_{2} {\bi R}},}] which, subtracted from one another, give [\varphi_{{\bf h}_{1} + {\bf h}_{2} {\bi R}} - \varphi_{{\bf h}_{1} + {\bf h}_{2}} \simeq \varphi_{{\bf h}_{2} {\bi R}} - \varphi_{{\bf h}_{2}} \simeq - 2 \pi {\bf h} \cdot {\bf T}.] If all four [|E|]'s are sufficiently large, an estimate of the two-phase seminvariant [\varphi_{{\bf h}_{1} + {\bf h}_{2} {\bi R}} - \varphi_{{\bf h}_{1} + {\bf h}_{2}}] is available.

Probability distributions valid in [P2_{1}] according to the neighbourhood principle have been given by Hauptman & Green (1978[link]). Finally, the theory of representations was combined by Giacovazzo (1979a[link]) with the joint probability distribution method in order to estimate two-phase s.s.'s in all the space groups.

According to representation theory, the problem is that of evaluating [\Phi = \varphi_{{\bf u}_{1}} + \varphi_{{\bf u}_{2}}] via the special quartets ([link]) and ([link]). Thus, contributions of order [N^{-1}] will appear in the probabilistic formulae, which will be functions of the basis and of the cross magnitudes of the quartets ([link] [link]. Since more pairs of matrices [{\bi R}_{\alpha}] and [{\bi R}_{\beta}] can be compatible with ([link], and for each pair [({\bi R}_{\alpha}, {\bi R}_{\beta})] more pairs of vectors [{\bf h}_{1}] and [{\bf h}_{2}] may satisfy ([link], several quartets can in general be exploited for estimating Φ. The simplest case occurs in [P\bar{1}] where the two quartets ([link] [link] suggest the calculation of the six-variate distribution function [({\bf u}_{1} = {\bf h}_{1} + {\bf h}_{2}, {\bf u}_{2} = {\bf h}_{1} - {\bf h}_{2})] [P (E_{{\bf h}_{1}}, E_{{\bf h}_{2}}, E_{{\bf h}_{1} + {\bf h}_{2}}, E_{{\bf h}_{1} - {\bf h}_{2}}, E_{2{\bf h}_{1}}, E_{2{\bf h}_{2}})] which leads to the probability formula [P^{+} \simeq 0.5 + 0.5 \tanh \left({|E_{{\bf h}_{1} + {\bf h}_{2}} E_{{\bf h}_{1} - {\bf h}_{2}}|\over 2N} \cdot {A\over 1 + B}\right),] where [P^{+}] is the probability that the product [E_{{\bf h}_{1} + {\bf h}_{2}} E_{{\bf h}_{1} - {\bf h}_{2}}] is positive, and [\eqalign{A &= \varepsilon_{{\bf h}_{1}} + \varepsilon_{{\bf h}_{2}} + 2\varepsilon_{{\bf h}_{1}} \varepsilon_{{\bf h}_{2}} + \varepsilon_{{\bf h}_{1}} \varepsilon_{2{\bf h}_{1}} + \varepsilon_{{\bf h}_{2}} \varepsilon_{2{\bf h}_{2}}\cr B &= (\varepsilon_{{\bf h}_{1}} \varepsilon_{{\bf h}_{2}} \varepsilon_{{\bf u}_{1}} + \varepsilon_{{\bf h}_{1}} \varepsilon_{{\bf h}_{2}} \varepsilon_{{\bf u}_{2}}\cr &\quad + \varepsilon_{{\bf u}_{1}} \varepsilon_{{\bf u}_{2}} \varepsilon_{2{\bf h}_{1}} + \varepsilon_{{\bf u}_{1}} \varepsilon_{{\bf u}_{2}} \varepsilon_{2{\bf h}_{2}})/(2N).}] It may be seen that in favourable cases [P^{+}\lt 0.5].

For the sake of brevity, the probabilistic formulae for the general case are not given and the reader is referred to the original papers.


First citation Debaerdemaeker, T. & Woolfson, M. M. (1972). On the application of phase relationships to complex structures. IV. The coincidence method applied to general phases. Acta Cryst. A28, 477–481.Google Scholar
First citation Giacovazzo, C. (1977e). A probabilistic theory of the coincidence method. I. Centrosymmetric space groups. Acta Cryst. A33, 531–538.Google Scholar
First citation Giacovazzo, C. (1977f). A probabilistic theory of the coincidence method. II. Non-centrosymmetric space groups. Acta Cryst. A33, 539–547.Google Scholar
First citation Giacovazzo, C. (1979a). A probabilistic theory of two-phase seminvariants of first rank via the method of representations. III. Acta Cryst. A35, 296–305.Google Scholar
First citation Grant, D. F., Howells, R. G. & Rogers, D. (1957). A method for the systematic application of sign relations. Acta Cryst. 10, 489–497.Google Scholar
First citation Hauptman, H. & Green, E. A. (1978). Pairs in [P2_1]: probability distributions which lead to estimates of the two-phase structure seminvariants in the vicinity of π/2. Acta Cryst. A34, 224–229.Google Scholar

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