Tables for
Volume B
Reciprocal space
Edited by U. Shmueli

International Tables for Crystallography (2006). Vol. B. ch. 2.3, p. 262   | 1 | 2 |

Section Equivalence of real- and reciprocal-space molecular replacement

M. G. Rossmanna* and E. Arnoldb

aDepartment of Biological Sciences, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana 47907, USA, and  bCABM & Rutgers University, 679 Hoes Lane, Piscataway, New Jersey 08854-5638, USA
Correspondence e-mail: Equivalence of real- and reciprocal-space molecular replacement

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Let us proceed in reciprocal space doing exactly the same as is done in real-space averaging. Thus [\rho_{\rm AV} ({\bf x}) = {1 \over N} {\sum\limits_{n = 1}^{N}} \rho ({\bf x}_{n}),] where [{\bf x}_{n} = [{\bi C}_{n}] {\bf x} + {\bf d}_{n}.] Therefore, [\rho_{\rm AV} ({\bf x}) = {1 \over N} {\sum\limits_{N}} {1 \over V} \left[{\sum\limits_{\bf h}} {\bf F}_{\bf h} \exp (2 \pi i{\bf h \cdot x}_{n})\right].] The next step is to perform the back-transform of the averaged electron density. Hence, [{\bf F}_{\bf p} = {\textstyle\int\limits_{U}} \rho_{\rm AV} ({\bf x}) \exp (-2 \pi i{\bf p \cdot x}) \;\hbox{d}{\bf x},] where U is the volume within the averaged part of the cell. Hence, substituting for [\rho_{\rm AV}], [{\bf F}_{\bf p} = \int\limits_{U} \left[{1 \over NV} {\sum\limits_{N}} {\sum\limits_{\bf h}} {\bf F}_{\bf h} \exp (2 \pi i{\bf h \cdot x}_{n})\right] \exp (-2 \pi i{\bf p \cdot x}) \;\hbox{d}{\bf x},] which is readily simplified to [{\bf F}_{\bf p} = {U \over NV} {\sum\limits_{\bf h}} {\bf F}_{\bf h} {\sum\limits_{N}} G_{{\bf hp}n} \exp (2 \pi i{\bf h} \cdot {\bf d}_{n}).] Setting [{\bf B}_{\bf hp} = {U \over NV} {\sum\limits_{N}} G_{{\bf hp}n} \exp (2 \pi i{\bf h} \cdot {\bf d}_{n}),] the molecular-replacement equations can be written as [{\bf F}_{\bf p} = {\sum\limits_{\bf h}} {\bf B}_{\bf hp} {\bf F}_{\bf h} \eqno(] (Main & Rossmann, 1966[link]), or in matrix form [{\bf F} = [{\bi B}] {\bf F},] which is the form of the equations used by Main (1967)[link] and by Crowther (1967)[link]. Colman (1974)[link] arrived at the same conclusions by an application of Shannon's sampling theorem. It should be noted that the elements of [B] are dependent only on knowledge of the noncrystallographic symmetry and the volume within which it is valid. Substitution of approximate phases into the right-hand side of ([link] produces a set of calculated structure factors exactly analogous to those produced by back-transforming the averaged electron density in real space. The new phases can then be used in a renewed cycle of molecular replacement.

Computationally, it has been found more convenient and faster to work in real space. This may, however, change with the advent of vector processing in `supercomputers'. Obtaining improved phases by substitution of current phases on the right-hand side of the molecular-replacement equations ([link] seems less cumbersome than the repeated forward and backward Fourier transformation, intermediate sorting, and averaging required in the real-space procedure.


First citation Colman, P. M. (1974). Noncrystallographic symmetry and the sampling theorem. Z. Kristallogr. 140, 344–349.Google Scholar
First citation Crowther, R. A. (1967). A linear analysis of the non-crystallographic symmetry problem. Acta Cryst. 22, 758–764.Google Scholar
First citation Main, P. (1967). Phase determination using non-crystallographic symmetry. Acta Cryst. 23, 50–54.Google Scholar
First citation Main, P. & Rossmann, M. G. (1966). Relationships among structure factors due to identical molecules in different crystallographic environments. Acta Cryst. 21, 67–72.Google Scholar

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