Tables for
Volume B
Reciprocal space
Edited by U. Shmueli

International Tables for Crystallography (2006). Vol. B. ch. 5.2, p. 555   | 1 | 2 |

Section 5.2.12. Multislice

A. F. Moodie,a J. M. Cowleyb and P. Goodmanc

a Department of Applied Physics, Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, 124 La Trobe Street, Melbourne, Victoria 3000, Australia,bArizona State University, Box 871504, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Tempe, AZ 85287-1504, USA, and cSchool of Physics, University of Melbourne, Parkville, Australia 3052

5.2.12. Multislice

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Multislice derives from a formulation that generates a solution in the form of a Born series (Cowley & Moodie, 1962[link]). The crystal is treated as a series of scattering planes on to which the potential from the slice between z and [z + \Delta z] is projected, separated by vacuum gaps [\Delta z], not necessarily corresponding to any planes or spacings of the material structure. The phase change in the electron beam produced by passage through a slice is given by [q = \exp \left \{- i\sigma \textstyle\int\limits_{z_{1}}^{z_{1} + \Delta z} \varphi (x, y, z)\; \hbox{d}z\right \},] and the phase distribution in the x, y plane resulting from propagation between slices is given by [p = \exp \left \{{ik(x^{2} + y^{2})\over 2\Delta z}\right \},] where the wavefront has been approximated by a paraboloid. Thus, the wavefunction for the (n + 1)th slice is given by [\eqalignno{ \psi_{n + 1} &= \left[\psi_{n} * \exp \left \{{ik(x^{2} + y^{2})\over 2\Delta z}\right \}\right] \exp \{- i\sigma \varphi_{n + 1}\}\cr &= [\psi_{n} * p]q, &(}] where [\ast] is the convolution operator (Cowley, 1981[link]).

This equation can be regarded as the finite difference form of the Schrödinger equation derived by Feynman's (1948[link]) method. The calculation need be correct only to first order in [\Delta z]. Writing the convolution in equation ([link] explicitly, and expanding in a Taylor series, the integrals can be evaluated to yield equation ([link] (Goodman & Moodie, 1974[link]).

If equation ([link] is Fourier transformed with respect to x and y, the resulting recurrence relation is of the form [U_{n + 1} = [U_{n}P] * Q_{n}, \eqno(] where P and Q are obtained by Fourier transforming p and q above. This form is convenient for numerical work since, for a perfect crystal, it is: discrete, as distinct from equation ([link] which is continuous in the variables [see IT C (2004[link], Section[link] )]; numerically stable at least up to 5000 beams; fast; and only requires a computer memory proportional to the number of beams (Goodman & Moodie, 1974[link]).


First citation International Tables for Crystallography (2004). Vol. C. Mathematical, physical and chemical tables, edited by E. Prince. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers.Google Scholar
First citation Cowley, J. M. (1981). Diffraction physics, pp. 26–30. Amsterdam: North-Holland.Google Scholar
First citation Cowley, J. M. & Moodie, A. F. (1962). The scattering of electrons by thin crystals. J. Phys. Soc. Jpn, 17, Suppl. B11, 86–91.Google Scholar
First citation Feynman, R. (1948). Space–time approach to non-relativistic quantum mechanics. Rev. Mod. Phys. 201, 367–387.Google Scholar
First citation Goodman, P. & Moodie, A. F. (1974). Numerical evaluation of N-beam wave functions in electron scattering by the multislice method. Acta Cryst. A30, 280–290.Google Scholar

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