Tables for
Volume C
Mathematical, physical and chemical tables
Edited by E. Prince

International Tables for Crystallography (2006). Vol. C. ch. 5.2, p. 492

Section Errors and uncertainties in wavelength

W. Parrish,a A. J. C. Wilsonb and J. I. Langfordc

a IBM Almaden Research Center, San Jose, CA, USA,bSt John's College, Cambridge CB2 1TP, England, and cSchool of Physics & Astronomy, University of Birmingham, Birmingham B15 2TT, England Errors and uncertainties in wavelength

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In diffractometry, the errors in wavelength, [\Delta\lambda], are usually entirely systematic; the crystallographer accepts whatever wavelength the spectroscopist provides, so that an error that was random in the spectroscopy becomes systematic in the diffractometry. One or two exceptions to this rule are noted below, as they are encountered in the discussion of the various techniques. Equation ([link] shows that such a systematic error in wavelength, arising either from uncertainty in the wavelength scale (affecting all wavelengths) or from a systematic error in one wavelength (possibly arising from a random error in its determination) produces a constant fractional error in the spacing, an error that is not detectable by any of the usual tests for systematic error.

Ordinarily, the wavelength to be inserted in ([link] is not known with high accuracy. The emission wavelengths given by spectroscopists – the exact feature to which they refer is usually not known, but is probably nearer to the peak of the wavelength distribution than to its centroid – are subject to uncertainties of one part in 50 000 [see, for example, Sandström (1957[link], especially p. 157)], though this uncertainty is reduced by a factor of ten for some more recent measurements known to refer to the peak defined by, say, the extrapolated mid-points of chords (Thomsen, 1974[link]). Energy-dispersive and synchrotron devices are usually calibrated by reference to such X-ray wavelengths, and thus their scales are uncertain to at least the same extent. Use of a standard silicon sample (Sections 5.2.5[link] and 5.2.10[link]) will ordinary give greater accuracy. There are a few wavelengths determined by interferometric comparison with optical standards where the uncertainty may be less than one part in a million (Deslattes, Henins & Kessler, 1980[link]); see Section 4.2.2[link] .

The wavelength distributions in the emission spectra of the elements ordinarily used in crystallography are not noticeably affected by the methods used in preparing targets. There is a slight dependence, at about the limit of detectability, on operating voltage, take-off angle, and degree of filtration (Wilson, 1963[link], pp. 60–63), and even the fundamental emission profile is affected somewhat by the excitation conditions (Chevallier, Travennier & Briand, 1978[link]). Effective monochromators, capable of separating the [K\alpha_1] and [K\alpha_2] components (Barth, 1960[link]), produce large variations. However, ([link] depends only on the ratio of d to λ, so that relative spacings can be determined without regard to the accuracy of λ, provided that nothing is done that alters the wavelength distribution between measurements, and that the same identifiable feature of the distribution (peak, centroid, mid-point of chord, [\ldots]) is used throughout.


First citation Barth, H. (1960). Möglichkeit der Präzisionsgitterkonstanten-messungen mit hochmonochromatischer Röntgenstrahlung. Acta Cryst. 13, 830–832.Google Scholar
First citation Chevallier, P., Travennier, M. & Briand, J. P. (1978). On the natural width of the Kα x-ray [sic] line observed at the energy threshold. J. Phys. B, 11, L171–L179.Google Scholar
First citation Deslattes, R., Henins, A. & Kessler, E. G. (1980). Accuracy in X-ray wavelengths. Accuracy in powder diffraction, edited by S. Block & C. R. Hubbard, pp. 55–71. Natl Bur. Stand. (US) Spec. Publ. No. 567.Google Scholar
First citation Sandström, A. E. (1957). Experimental methods of X-ray spectroscopy: ordinary wavelengths. Handbuch der Physik, pp. 78–245 (esp. p. 157). Berlin: Springer.Google Scholar
First citation Thomsen, J. S. (1974). High-precision X-ray spectroscopy. X-ray spectroscopy, edited by L. V. Azaroff, pp. 26–132. New York: McGraw-Hill.Google Scholar
First citation Wilson, A. J. C. (1963). Mathematical theory of X-ray powder diffractometry. Eindhoven: Centrex.Google Scholar

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