Tables for
Volume C
Mathematical, physical and chemical tables
Edited by E. Prince

International Tables for Crystallography (2006). Vol. C. ch. 9.4, p. 787


G. Bergerhoffa and K. Brandenburga

a Institut für Anorganische Chemie der Universität Bonn, Gerhard-Domagkstrasse 1, D-53121 Bonn, Germany

Table | top | pdf |
Atomic distances between oxygen and lanthanoids

Atom pair N Mean s.u. d 1 Smallest 5% First quartile Median Third quartile d 2
La3+—O2− 317 244.1 9.2 222.0 230.1 237.7 243.1 249.9 268.0
Ce3+—O2− 75 239.2 7.5 220.0 225.5 234.5 238.2 246.1 254.0
Ce4+—O2− 49 234.1 4.9 222.0 224.5 234.0 235.1 236.7 242.0
Pr3+—O2− 57 239.1 4.8 230.0 232.2 235.7 238.8 241.8 252.0
Nd3+—O2− 185 235.4 6.4 218.0 224.1 232.0 235.5 239.3 250.0
Sm3+—O2− 45 228.8 4.2 218.0 221.2 225.5 229.3 232.6 236.0
Eu3+—O2− 47 231.4 5.4 220.0 222.7 227.2 231.8 235.6 242.0
Gd3+—O2− 78 228.2 5.7 216.0 219.4 223.9 227.6 231.9 240.0
Tb3+—O2− 36 229.4 5.7 216.0 218.8 225.0 230.9 233.3 238.0
Dy3+—O2− 39 226.9 5.6 214.0 216.9 222.5 228.1 231.1 236.0
Ho3+—O2− 48 227.6 5.4 218.0 220.2 223.3 226.7 231.3 242.0
Er3+—O2− 69 224.6 5.4 212.0 214.4 220.9 224.6 228.8 236.0
Tm3+—O2− 24 223.3 4.9 214.0 216.5 220.0 223.3 226.0 234.0
Yb3+—O2− 78 221.8 4.4 210.0 214.5 218.9 221.4 224.9 234.0
Lu3+—O2− 35 220.4 7.3 208.0 210.1 213.8 220.5 226.2 234.0