Tables for
Volume D
Physical properties of crystals
Edited by A. Authier

International Tables for Crystallography (2006). Vol. D. ch. 1.1, p. 32

Section Relation between the pyroelectric coefficients at constant stress and at constant strain

A. Authiera*

a Institut de Minéralogie et de la Physique des Milieux Condensés, Bâtiment 7, 140 rue de Lourmel, 75015 Paris, France
Correspondence e-mail: Relation between the pyroelectric coefficients at constant stress and at constant strain

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By combining relations ([link] and ([link], it is possible to obtain relations between the pyroelectric coefficients at constant stress, [p_{n}^{T}], and the pyroelectric coefficients at constant strain, [p_{n}^{S}], also called real pyroelectric coefficients, [p_{n}^{S}]. Let us put [T_{ij} = 0] and [E_{n} = 0] in the first equation of ([link]. For a given variation of temperature, [\delta\Theta], the observed strain is [S_{kl} = \Big[\alpha_{kl}\Big]^{E,T}\delta \Theta.]From the second equations of ([link] and ([link], it follows that [\eqalignno{D_n &= p_n^T \delta\Theta\cr D_n &= e_{nkl} S_{kl} + p_n\delta\Theta.\cr}]Substituting the expression [S_{kl}] and eliminating [D_n], it follows that [p_n^T = e_{nkl}\Bigl[\alpha_{kl}\Bigr]^{E,T}+ p_n^{S}. \eqno(]

This relation shows that part of the pyroelectric effect is actually due to the piezoelectric effect.

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