Tables for
Volume F
Crystallography of biological macromolecules
Edited by M. G. Rossmann and E. Arnold

International Tables for Crystallography (2006). Vol. F. ch. 25.2, p. 727   | 1 | 2 |

Section Use as a reader of existing kinemages

D. C. Richardsons and J. S. Richardsons* Use as a reader of existing kinemages

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Viewing a pre-existing kinemage file requires almost no learning process: the interface is sufficiently `transparent' that interaction is mainly with the molecule rather than with the program. Six simple operations cover all basic functionalities: (1) drag with the mouse to rotate the displayed object; (2) click on a point to identify it; (3) turn things on or off, or animate if that option is present, with labelled buttons; (4) choose preset views from the Views pull-down menu; (5) read the author's explanations in the text and caption windows; (6) change to the next kinemage in the file with the Kinemage pull-down menu. At a slightly more complex level, one can recentre, zoom the scale, move the clipping planes and save a view; measure distances, angles and dihedrals or `Find' by point name (from the Tools pull-down menu); change Display menu options such as stereo or perspective; or consult the Help menu. There are keyboard shortcuts for convenience (such as `a' to animate or `c' for cross-eye versus wall-eye stereo), but they are never the only method and they are defined on the menus. Demo5_4a.kin (Richardson Laboratory, 2000[link]) provides a brief guided introduction to using kinemages.


First citation Richardson Laboratory (2000). The Richardson's 3-D protein structure homepage. (or ).Google Scholar

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