Tables for
Volume G
Definition and exchange of crystallographic data
Edited by S. R. Hall and B. McMahon

International Tables for Crystallography (2006). Vol. G. ch. 2.2, pp. 25-27

Section General features

S. R. Hall,a* N. Spadaccini,c I. D. Brown,d H. J. Bernstein,e J. D. Westbrookb and B. McMahonf General features

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(4) A CIF consists of data names (tags) and associated values organized into data blocks. A data block may contain data items (associated data names and data values) and/or it may contain save frames.

(5) Save frames may only be used in dictionary files.

Implementation note: At a purely syntactic level there is no way to distinguish between dictionary and data files. (It is also to be noted that not all dictionary files contain save frames.) A fully validating parser must therefore be able to detect the start and termination of save frames, the uniqueness of the frame code within a data block and the uniqueness of data names within a frame code. It is, however, legitimate for an application-based parser designed to handle only the contents of data files to consider the presence of a save frame as an error.

(6) A data block begins with the reserved case-insensitive string data_ followed immediately by the name of the data block, forming a data-block header. A save frame has a similar structure to a data block, but may not itself contain further save frames. A save frame begins with the reserved case-insensitive string save_ followed immediately by the name of the save frame, forming a save-frame header. Unlike a data block, a save frame also has a marker for the end of the frame in the form of a repetition of the reserved case-insensitive word save_, this time without the name of the frame. Save frames may not nest. Within a single CIF, no two data blocks may have the same name; within a single data block no two save frames may have the same name, although a save frame may have the same name as a data block in the same CIF.

(7) A given data name (tag) [see (2.4) and (2.7)] may appear no more than once in a given data block or save frame. A tag may be followed by a single value, or a list of one or more tags may be marked by the preceding reserved case-insensitive word loop_ as the headings of the columns of a table of values. White space is used to separate a data-block or save-frame header from the contents of the data block or save frame, and to separate tags, values and the reserved word loop_. Data items (tags along with their associated values) that are not presented in a table of values may be relocated along with their values within the same data block or save frame without changing the meaning of the data block or save frame.  Complete tables of values (the table column headings along with all columns of data) may be relocated within the same data block or save frame without changing the meaning of the data block or save frame.  Within a table of values, each tag may be relocated along with its associated column of values within the same table of values without changing the meaning of the table of values.  In general, each row of a table of values may also be relocated within the same table of values without changing the meaning of the table of values.  Combining tables of values or breaking up tables of values would change the meanings, and is likely to violate the rules for constructing such tables of values.

(8) The case-insensitive word global_, used in STAR Files to introduce a group of data values with a scope extending to the end of the file, is an additional reserved word in CIF (that is, it may not be used as the unquoted value of any data item).

(9) If a data value (2.5) contains white space or begins with a character string reserved for a special purpose, it must be delimited by one of several sets of special character strings (the choice of which is constrained if the data value contains characters interpretable as marking a new line of text according to the discussion in the following paragraphs). Such a data value will be indicated by the term non-simple data value.

(10) A simple data value (i.e. one which does not contain white space or begin with a special character string) may optionally be delimited by any of the same set of delimiting character strings, except for data values that are to be interpreted as numbers.

(11) The special character strings in this context are listed in the following table. The term `non-simple data values' in this table refers to data values beginning with these special character strings.

Character or string Role
_ identifies data name
# identifies comment
$ identifies save-frame pointer
' delimits non-simple data values
" delimits non-simple data values
[ reserved opening delimiter for non-simple data values [see (19)]
] reserved closing delimiter for non-simple data values [see (19)]
; (at the beginning of a line of text) delimits non-simple data values
data_ identifies data-block header
save_ identifies save-frame header or terminator

In addition, the following case-insensitive reserved words may not occur as unquoted data values.

Reserved word Role
loop_ identifies looped list of data
stop_ reserved STAR word terminating nested loops or loop headers
global_ reserved as a STAR global-block header

(12) The complete syntactic description of a numeric data value is included in Section[link](57) under the production (i.e. rule for constructing a part of the language) 〈Numeric〉.

(13) Comment: The base CIF specification distinguishes between character and numeric values [see Section[link](15)]. Particular CIF applications may make more finely grained distinctions within these types. The paragraphs immediately above have the corollary that a data value such as 12 that appears within a CIF may be quoted (e.g. '12') if and only if it is to be interpreted and stored in computer memory as a character string and not a numeric value. For example '12' might legitimately appear as a label for an atomic site, where another alphabetic or alphanumeric string such as 'C12' is also acceptable; but it may not legitimately be used to represent an integer quantity twelve.

(14) Matching single- or double-quote characters (' or ") may be used to bound a string representing a non-simple data value provided the string does not extend over more than one line.

(15) Comment: Because data values are invariably separated from other tokens in the file by white space, such a quote-delimited character string may contain instances of the character used to delimit the string provided they are not followed by white space. For example, the data item[Scheme scheme5] is legal; the data value is a dog's life.

(16) Comment: Note that constructs such as

'an embedded \' quote'

do not behave as in the case of many current programming languages, i.e. the backslash character in this context does not escape the special meaning of the delimiter character. A backslash preceding the apostrophe or double-quote characters does, however, have special meaning in the context of accented characters (Section[link]) provided there is no white space immediately following the apostrophe or double-quote character.

(17) The special sequence of end of line followed immediately by a semicolon in column one (denoted ` 〈eol〉;') may also be used as a delimiter at the beginning and end of a character string comprising a data value. The complete bounded string is called a text field and may be used to convey multi-line values. The end of line associated with the closing semicolon does not form part of the data value. Within a multi-line text field, leading white space within text lines must be retained as part of the data value; trailing white space on a line may however be elided.

(18) Comment: A text field delimited by the 〈eol〉; digraph may not include a semicolon at the start of a line of text as part of its value.

(19) Matching square-bracket characters, `[' and `]', are reserved for possible future introduction as delimiters of multi-line data values. At this revision of the CIF specification, a data value may not begin with an unquoted left square-bracket character `['. (While not strictly necessary, the right square-bracket character `]' is restricted in the same way in recognition of its reserved use as a closing delimiter.)

(20) Comment: For example, the data value foo may be expressed equivalently as an unquoted string foo, as a quoted string 'foo' or as a text field[Scheme scheme6]

By contrast, the value of the text field[Scheme scheme7] is

  foo〈eol〉 bar

(where 〈eol〉 represents an end of line); the embedded space characters are significant.

(21) A comment in a CIF begins with an unquoted character ` #' and extends to the end of the current line.

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