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 Results for DC.creator="P." AND DC.creator="Auffinger"
Halogen interactions in biomolecular crystal structures
Vallejos, M.J., Auffinger, P. and Ho, P.S., International Tables for Crystallography (2012). Vol. F, ch. 23.6, pp. 821-826 [ doi:10.1107/97809553602060000895 ]
& Whitlow, M. (2000). Preparation, characterization, and the crystal structure of the inhibitor ZK-807834 (CI-1031) complexed with factor Xa. Biochemistry, 39, 12534–12542. Google Scholar Auffinger, P., Hays, F. A., Westhof, E. & Ho, P ...

Concluding remarks
Vallejos, M.J., Auffinger, P. and Ho, P.S., International Tables for Crystallography (2012). Vol. F, Section 23.6.4, pp. 825-825 [ doi:10.1107/97809553602060000895 ]
M. (2000). Preparation, characterization, and the crystal structure of the inhibitor ZK-807834 (CI-1031) complexed with factor Xa. Biochemistry, 39, 12534–12542. Google Scholar Auffinger, P., Hays, F. A., Westhof, E. & Ho, P ...

Substituent effects
Vallejos, M.J., Auffinger, P. and Ho, P.S., International Tables for Crystallography (2012). Vol. F, Section, pp. 821-822 [ doi:10.1107/97809553602060000895 ]

     [more results from section 23.6.2 in volume F]

Electrostatic molecular halogen interactions
Vallejos, M.J., Auffinger, P. and Ho, P.S., International Tables for Crystallography (2012). Vol. F, Section 23.6.3, pp. 822-825 [ doi:10.1107/97809553602060000895 ]
of the inhibitor ZK-807834 (CI-1031) complexed with factor Xa. Biochemistry, 39, 12534–12542. Google Scholar Auffinger, P., Hays, F. A., Westhof, E. & Ho, P. S. (2004). Halogen bonds in biological molecules. Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA, 101 ...
     [more results from section 23.6.3 in volume F]

Vallejos, M.J., Auffinger, P. and Ho, P.S., International Tables for Crystallography (2012). Vol. F, Section 23.6.1, pp. 821-821 [ doi:10.1107/97809553602060000895 ]

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