Tables for
Volume A1
Symmetry relations between space groups
Edited by Hans Wondratschek and Ulrich Müller

International Tables for Crystallography (2006). Vol. A1. ch. 2.1, pp. 56-57   | 1 | 2 |

Section Graphs for plane groups

Hans Wondratscheka* and Mois I. Aroyob

a Institut für Kristallographie, Universität, D-76128 Karlsruhe, Germany, and bDepartamento de Física de la Materia Condensada, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad del País Vasco, Apartado 644, E-48080 Bilbao, Spain
Correspondence e-mail: Graphs for plane groups

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There are no graphs for plane groups in this volume. The four graphs for t-subgroups of plane groups are apart from the symbols the same as those for the corresponding space groups: [p4mm][P4mm], [p6mm][P6mm], [p2mg][Pma2] and [p2gg][Pba2], where the graphs for the space groups are included in the t-subgroup graphs in Figs.[link] ,[link] ,[link] and[link] , respectively.

The k-subgroup graphs are trivial for the plane groups [p1], [p2], [p4], [p3], [p6] and [p6mm] because there is only one plane group in its crystal class. The graphs for the crystal classes [4mm] and [3m] consist of two plane groups each: [p4mm] and [p4gm], [p3m1] and [p31m]. Nevertheless, the graphs are different: the relation is one-sided for the tetragonal plane-group pair as it is in the space-group pair [P6/m\,\,(175)\hbox{--}P6_3/m\,\,(176)] and it is two-sided for the hexagonal plane-group pair as it is in the space-group pair [P\overline{4}] (81)–[I\overline{4}] (82). The graph for the three plane groups of the crystal class m corresponds to the space-group graph for the crystal class 2.

Finally, the graph for the four plane groups of crystal class [2mm] has no direct analogue among the k-subgroup graphs of the space groups. It can be obtained, however, from the graph in Fig.[link] of crystal class [2/m] by removing the fields of [C2/c] (15) and [P2_1/m] (11) with all their connections to the remaining fields. The replacements are then: [C2/m] (12) by [c2mm] (9), [P2/m] (10) by [p2mm] (6), [P2/c] (13) by [p2mg] (7) and [P2_1/c] (14) by [p2gg] (8).

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