Tables for Crystallography Volume A Space-group symmetry Edited by Th. Hahn © International Union of Crystallography 2006 |
International Tables for Crystallography (2006). Vol. A. ch. 13.2, pp. 843-844 Chapter 13.2. Derivative latticesThe lattices that correspond to the isomorphic subgroups of space group P1 and plane group p1 are termed derivative lattices. Formulae for the construction of three- and two-dimensional derivative lattices are given, and the three- and two-dimensional lattices of indices 2 to 7 are tabulated. Keywords: derivative lattices; isomorphic subgroups; translation groups; space groups; plane groups. |
The three-dimensional subgroups of space group P1 and the two-dimensional subgroups of plane group p1 are all isomorphic subgroups; i.e. these subgroups are pure translation groups and correspond to lattices. In the past, these lattices have often been called `superlattices' (the term `sublattice' perhaps would be more precise). To avoid confusion, the lattices that correspond to the isomorphic subgroups of P1 and p1 are designated here as derivative lattices.
The number of derivative lattices (both maximal and nonmaximal) of a lattice is infinite and always several derivative lattices of index exist. Only for prime indices are maximal derivative lattices obtained; for any prime p, there are three-dimensional derivative lattices of P1, whereas there are two-dimensional derivative lattices of p1. The number of nonmaximal derivative lattices is given by more complicated formulae (cf. Billiet & Rolley Le Coz, 1980).
It is possible to construct in a simple way all three-dimensional derivative lattices of a lattice (Table Starting from a primitive unit cell defined by a, b, c, each derivative lattice possesses exactly one primitive unit cell defined by , , by means of the following relation
Note that the vector has the same direction as the vector a and the plane is parallel to the plane (a, b), i.e. the matrix of the transformation is triangular. Equivalent formulae can be derived by permutations of the vectors a, b, c which keep the directions of or and which preserve the parallelism of the planes with (b, c) or with (a, c).
Another primitive cell of a given derivative lattice is obtained if one of the following three elementary transformations is performed on the vectors of a primitive cell of this derivative lattice:
(i) and (ii) are left-handed transformations, (iii) is right-handed.
All previous considerations are valid also for two-dimensional lattices and their derivative lattices (Table The relevant formula for any index is A similar formula is obtained by interchange of a and b.
Billiet, Y. & Rolley Le Coz, M. (1980). Le groupe P1 et ses sous-groupes. II. Tables de sous-groupes. Acta Cryst. A36, 242–248.Google Scholar