Tables for
Volume A
Space-group symmetry
Edited by Th. Hahn

International Tables for Crystallography (2006). Vol. A. ch. 15.3, pp. 902-903

Section 15.3.4. Euclidean- and affine-equivalent sub- and supergroups

E. Kocha* and W. Fischera

a Institut für Mineralogie, Petrologie und Kristallographie, Philipps-Universität, D-35032 Marburg, Germany
Correspondence e-mail:

15.3.4. Euclidean- and affine-equivalent sub- and supergroups

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The Euclidean or affine normalizer of a space group [{\cal G}] maps any subgroup or supergroup of [{\cal G}] either onto itself or onto another subgroup or supergroup of [{\cal G}]. Accordingly, these normalizers define equivalence relationships on the sets of subgroups and supergroups of [{\cal G}] (Koch, 1984b[link]):

Two subgroups or supergroups of a space group [{\cal G}] are called Euclidean- or [{\cal N}\!_{{\cal E}}]- equivalent (affine- or [{\cal N}\!_{{\cal A}}]- equivalent) if they are mapped onto each other by an element of the Euclidean (affine) normalizer of [{\cal G}], i.e. if they are conjugate subgroups of the Euclidean (affine) normalizer.

In the following, the term `equivalent subgroups (supergroups)' is used if a statement is true for Euclidean-equivalent and affine-equivalent subgroups (supergroups), and [{\cal N}({\cal G})] is used to designate the Euclidean as well as the affine normalizer.

The knowledge of Euclidean-equivalent subgroups is necessary in connection with the possible deformations of a crystal structure due to subgroup degradation. Affine-equivalent subgroups play an important role for the derivation and classification of black-and-white groups (magnetic groups) and of colour groups (cf. for example Schwarzenberger, 1984[link]). Information on equivalent supergroups is useful for the determination of the idealized type of a crystal structure.

For any pair of space groups [{\cal G}] and [{\cal H}] with [{\cal H} \lt {\cal G}], the relation between the two normalizers [{\cal N}({\cal G})] and [{\cal N}({\cal H})] controls the subgroups of [{\cal G}] that are equivalent to [{\cal H}] and the supergroups of [{\cal H}] equivalent to [{\cal G}]. The intersection group of both normalizers, [{\cal M}({\cal G},{\cal H}) = {\cal N}({\cal G}) \cap {\cal N}({\cal H}) \geq {\cal H}] may or may not coincide with [{\cal N}({\cal G})] and/or with [{\cal N}({\cal H})]. The following two statements hold generally:

  • (i) The index [i_{g}] of [{\cal M}({\cal G}, {\cal H})] in [{\cal N}({\cal G})] equals the number of subgroups of [{\cal G}] which are equivalent to [{\cal H}]. Each coset of [{\cal M}({\cal G}, {\cal H})] in [{\cal N}({\cal G})] maps [{\cal H}] onto another equivalent subgroup of [{\cal G}].

  • (ii) The index [i_{h}] of [{\cal M}({\cal G},{\cal H})] in [{\cal N}({\cal H})] equals the number of supergroups of [{\cal H}] equivalent to [{\cal G}]. Each coset of [{\cal M(G},{\cal H)}] in [{\cal N(H)}] maps [{\cal G}] onto another equivalent supergroup of [{\cal H}].

Equivalent subgroups are conjugate in [{\cal G}] if and only if [{\cal G} \cap {\cal N(H)} \neq {\cal G}]. In this case, [{\cal G}] contains elements not belonging to [{\cal N(H)}] and the cosets of [{\cal G} \cap {\cal N(H)}] in [{\cal G}] refer to the different conjugate subgroups.


  • (1) [{\cal G} = Cmmm] has four monoclinic subgroups of type [P2/m] with the same orthorhombic metric and the same basis as Cmmm: [{\cal H}_{1} = P2/m11], [{\cal H}_{2} = P12/m1], [{\cal H}_{3} = P112/m] ([\overline{1}] at 000), [{\cal H}_{4} = P112/m\ (\overline{1} \hbox{ at } {1\over 4} {1\over 4} 0)]. According to Table[link] , the Euclidean normalizer of [{\cal G}] is [Pmmm({1\over 2}{\bf a}, {1\over 2}{\bf b}, {1\over 2}{\bf c})]. Because of the orthorhombic metric of all four subgroups, their Euclidean normalizers [{\cal N}\!_{\cal E}({\cal H}_{1})], [{\cal N}\!_{\cal E}({\cal H}_{2})], [{\cal N}\!_{\cal E}({\cal H}_{3})] and [{\cal N}\!_{\cal E}({\cal H}_{4})] are enhanced in comparison with the general case and coincide with [{\cal N}\!_{\cal E}({\cal G})]. Hence, no two of the four subgroups are Euclidean-equivalent.

  • (2) [{\cal G} = I\overline{4}m2({\bf a}, {\bf b}, {\bf c})], [{\cal H} = P\overline{4}({\bf a}, {\bf b}, {\bf c})]. [{\cal N(G)} = I4/mmm({1\over 2}{\bf a}-{1\over 2}{\bf b}, {1\over 2}{\bf a}+{1\over 2}{\bf b}, {1\over 2}{\bf c})] is a supergroup of index 2 of [{\cal N(H)} = P4/mmm({1\over 2}{\bf a}-{1\over 2}{\bf b}], [{1\over 2}{\bf a} +{1\over 2}{\bf b}], [{1\over 2}{\bf c}) =] [{\cal M}(I\overline{4}m2], [P\overline{4})]. Therefore, [I\overline{4}m2] has two equivalent subgroups [P\overline{4}] that are mapped onto another by a centring translation of [{\cal N(G)}], e.g. by [t(0{1\over 2}{1\over 4})]. Both subgroups are not conjugate in [I\overline{4}m2] because [{\cal G} \cap {\cal N(H)}] equals [{\cal G}]. As [{\cal N(H)}] coincides with [{\cal M(G},{\cal H)}], no further supergroups of [P\overline{4}] equivalent to [I\overline{4}m2] exist.

  • (3) [{\cal G} = Fm\overline{3}({\bf a}, {\bf b}, {\bf c})], [{\cal H} = F23({\bf a}, {\bf b}, {\bf c})]. [{\cal N(H)} = Im\overline{3}m({1\over 2}{\bf a}, {1\over 2}{\bf b}, {1\over 2}{\bf c})] is a supergroup of index 2 of [{\cal N(G)} = Pm\overline{3}m({1\over 2}{\bf a}, {1\over 2}{\bf b}, {1\over 2}{\bf c}) = {\cal M}(Fm\overline{3}, F23)]. Therefore, F23 has two equivalent supergroups [Fm\overline{3}] that differ in their locations with site symmetry [m\overline{3}] by a centring translation of [Im\overline{3}m({1\over 2}{\bf a}, {1\over 2}{\bf b}, {1\over 2}{\bf c})], e.g. by [t({1\over 4} {1\over 4} {1\over 4})]. As [{\cal N(G)}] coincides with [{\cal M(G},{\cal H)}], no further subgroups of [Fm\overline{3}] equivalent to F23 exist.

  • (4) [{\cal G} = Pmma({\bf a}, {\bf b}, {\bf c})], [{\cal H} = Pmmn({\bf a}, 2{\bf b}, {\bf c})]. The intersection of [{\cal N}_{\cal A}(Pmma) = Pmmm({1\over 2}{\bf a}, {1\over 2}{\bf b}, {1\over 2}{\bf c})] and [{\cal N}\!_{\cal A}(Pmmn) = P4/mmm({1\over 2}{\bf a}, {\bf b}, {1\over 2}{\bf c})] is the group [{\cal M}(Pmma, Pmmn) = Pmmm({1\over 2}{\bf a}, {\bf b}, {1\over 2}{\bf c})], which is a proper subgroup of both normalizers. As [i_{g}] equals 2, Pmma has two affine-equivalent subgroups of type Pmmn that are mapped onto each other by the additional translation [t(0 {1\over 2} 0)] of the normalizer of [{\cal G}]. As [i_{h}] also equals 2, Pmmn has two affine-equivalent supergroups, Pmma and Pmmb, that are mapped onto each other, e.g. by the affine `reflection' at a diagonal `mirror plane' of [{\cal N}\!_{\cal A}({\cal H})].


First citation Koch, E. (1984b). The implications of normalizers on group–subgroup relations between space groups. Acta Cryst. A40, 593–600.Google Scholar
First citation Schwarzenberger, R. L. E. (1984). Colour symmetry. Bull. London Math. Soc. 16, 209–240.Google Scholar

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