Tables for
Volume A
Space-group symmetry
Edited by Th. Hahn

International Tables for Crystallography (2006). Vol. A. ch. 1.4, p. 10

Section 1.4.7. Symmetry axes inclined to the plane of projection (in cubic space groups only)

Th. Hahna*

a Institut für Kristallographie, Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule, Aachen, Germany
Correspondence e-mail:

1.4.7. Symmetry axes inclined to the plane of projection (in cubic space groups only)

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Symmetry axis Graphical symbol Screw vector of a right-handed screw rotation in units of the shortest lattice translation vector parallel to the axis Printed symbol (partial elements in parentheses)
Twofold rotation axis [Scheme scheme65] [Scheme scheme71] None 2
Twofold screw axis: `2 sub 1' [Scheme scheme66] [{1 \over 2}] [2_{1}]
Threefold rotation axis [Scheme scheme67] [Scheme scheme72] None 3
Threefold screw axis: `3 sub 1' [Scheme scheme68] [{1 \over 3}] [3_{1}]
Threefold screw axis: `3 sub 2' [Scheme scheme69] [{2 \over 3}] [3_{2}]
Inversion axis: `3 bar' [Scheme scheme70] None [\bar{3} ] [(3,\bar{1})]
The dots mark the intersection points of axes with the plane at [h = 0]. In some cases, the intersection points are obscured by symbols of symmetry elements with height [h \geq 0]; examples: [Fd\bar{3}] (203), origin choice 2; [Pn\bar{3}n] (222), origin choice 2; [Pm\bar{3}n] (223); [Im\bar{3}m] (229); [Ia\bar{3}d] (230).

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