Tables for
Volume B
Reciprocal space
Edited by U. Shmueli

International Tables for Crystallography (2006). Vol. B. ch. 5.2, p. 553   | 1 | 2 |

Section 5.2.6. Semi-reciprocal space

A. F. Moodie,a J. M. Cowleyb and P. Goodmanc

a Department of Applied Physics, Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, 124 La Trobe Street, Melbourne, Victoria 3000, Australia,bArizona State University, Box 871504, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Tempe, AZ 85287-1504, USA, and cSchool of Physics, University of Melbourne, Parkville, Australia 3052

5.2.6. Semi-reciprocal space

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In the derivation of electron-diffraction equations, it is more usual to work in semi-reciprocal space (Tournarie, 1962[link]). This can be achieved by transforming equation ([link] with respect to x and y but not with respect to z, to obtain Tournarie's equation [{\hbox{d}^{2} |U\rangle\over \hbox{d}z^{2}} = - {\bf M}_{b}(z)|U\rangle. \eqno(] Here [|U\rangle] is the column vector of scattering amplitudes and [{\bf M}_{b} (z)] is a matrix, appropriate to LEED, with k vectors as diagonal elements and Fourier coefficients of the potential as nondiagonal elements.

This equation is factorized in a manner parallel to that used on the real-space equation [equation ([link]] (Lynch & Moodie, 1972[link]) to obtain Tournarie's forward-scattering equation [{\hbox{d}|U^{\pm}\rangle\over \hbox{d}z} = \pm i{\bf M}^{\pm} (z) |U^{\pm}\rangle, \eqno(] where [\eqalign{ {\bf M}^{\pm} (z) &= \pm [{\bf K} + (1/2) {\bf K}^{-1} {V} (z)],\cr [K_{ij}] &= \delta_{ij} K_{i},}] and [[V_{ij}] = 2k_{z} {\textstyle\sum\limits_{l}} V_{i - j} \exp \{ - 2\pi ilz\},] where [V_{i}\equiv\sigma{}v_i] are the scattering coefficients and [v_{i}] are the structure amplitudes in volts. In order to simplify the electron-diffraction expression, the third crystallographic index `l' is taken to represent the periodicity along the z direction.

The double solution involving M of equation ([link]) is of interest in displaying the symmetry of reciprocity, and may be compared with the double solution obtained for the real-space equation [equation ([link]]. Normally the [{\bf M}^{+}] solution will be followed through to give the fast-electron forward-scattering equations appropriate in HEED. [{\bf M}^{-}], however, represents the equivalent set of equations corresponding to the z reversed reciprocity configuration. Reciprocity solutions will yield diffraction symmetries in the forward direction when coupled with crystal-inverting symmetries (Section 2.5.3[link] ).

Once again we set out to solve the forward-scattering equation ([link],b[link]) now in semi-reciprocal space, and define an operator [{\bf Q}(z)] [compare with equation ([link])] such that [|U_{z}\rangle = {\bf Q}_{z}| U_{0} \rangle \quad\hbox{with}\quad U_{0} = |0\rangle \hbox{;}] i.e., [{\bf Q}_{z}] is an operator that, when acting on the incident wavevector, generates the wavefunction in semi-reciprocal space.

Again, the differential equation can be transformed into an integral equation, and once again this can be iterated. In the projection approximation, with [{\bf M}] independent of z, the solution can be written as [{\bf Q}_{p} = \exp \{i{\bf M}_{p} (z - z_{0})\}.] A typical off-diagonal element is given by [V_{i-j}/\cos\theta_i], where [\theta_{i}] is the angle through which the beam is scattered. It is usual in the literature to find that [\cos \theta_{i}] has been approximated as unity, since even the most accurate measurements are, so far, in error by much more than this amount.

This expression for [{\bf Q}_{p}] is Sturkey's (1957[link]) solution, a most useful relation, written explicitly as [|U\rangle = \exp \{i{\bf M}_{p}{T}\}|0\rangle \eqno(] with T the thickness of the crystal, and [|0\rangle], the incident state, a column vector with the first entry unity and the rest zero. [{\bf S} = \exp \{i{\bf M}_{p}{T}\}] is a unitary matrix, so that in this formulation scattering is described as rotation in Hilbert space.


First citation Lynch, D. F. & Moodie, A. F. (1972). Numerical evaluation of low energy electron diffraction intensities. Surf. Sci. 32, 422–438.Google Scholar
First citation Sturkey, L. (1957). The use of electron-diffraction intensities in structure determination. Acta Cryst. 10, 858–859.Google Scholar
First citation Tournarie, M. (1962). Recent developments of the matrical and semi-reciprocal formulation on the field of dynamical theory. J. Phys. Soc. Jpn, 17, Suppl. B11, 98–100.Google Scholar

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