Tables for Crystallography Volume C Mathematical, physical and chemical tables Edited by E. Prince © International Union of Crystallography 2006 |
International Tables for Crystallography (2006). Vol. C. ch. 3.4, p. 170
Although it has become modern practice to determine the orientation of crystals after data collection using auto-indexing procedures, rather than to carry out accurate alignment prior to data collection, such a procedure, as indicated earlier in this section, can lead to inefficient data collection. In the case of anomalous-dispersion measurements, and particularly multiple-wavelength anomalous diffraction (MWAD) for phase determination (e.g. Kahn et al., 1985), it is often very important to orientate the crystal so that Bijvoet pairs of reflections are recorded simultaneously. The use of synchrotron radiation, where access is usually very limited and crystals are highly radiation sensitive, often leads to insufficient care being taken in the data-collection procedure. An efficient data-collection strategy should aim to measure a set of data as complete as possible (preferably
90%) in the shortest possible time. Contiguous regions of reciprocal space, such as the `cusp' region for oscillation geometry, and low-resolution shells should not be omitted. In addition, a reasonable number of reflections should be measured more than once to check for internal consistency in the data set. For biological macromolecules, in particular, the temptation to collect data beyond the practical resolution limit should be avoided. Two useful indicators from the outer resolution shell are (a) the proportion of significant data should not fall below 70%, and (b) the internal consistency index for data measured more than once should not rise above 20%. In general, rotation of crystals along the highest rotation symmetry axis (i.e. the fourfold axis for tetragonal systems) will require the least amount of data to be collected, and it is advisable to mount crystals so that this rotation axis is parallel to the fibre or capillary axis, provided that this is sensible in terms of the crystal morphology.
Munshi & Murthy (1986) have discussed strategies of data collection using the screenless oscillation method based on the Laue group and the nature of the crystal axis parallel to the rotation axis. More general strategies for area-detector systems have been reported by Xuong, Nielsen, Hamlin & Anderson (1985
) and Zhang & Matthews (1993