Tables for
Volume C
Mathematical, physical and chemical tables
Edited by E. Prince

International Tables for Crystallography (2006). Vol. C. ch. 4.1, p. 187


V. Valvodaa

a Department of Physics of Semiconductors, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University, Ke Karlovu 5, 121 16 Praha 2, Czech Republic

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Average diffraction properties of X-rays, electrons, and neutrons

  X-rays Electrons Neutrons
(1) Charge 0 −1 e 0
(2) Rest mass 0 9.11 × 10−31 kg 1.67 × 10−27 kg
(3) Energy 10 keV 100 keV 0.03 eV
(4) Wavelength 1.5 Å 0.04 Å 1.2 Å
(5) Bragg angles Large Large
(6) Extinction length 10 µm 0.03 µm 100 µm
(7) Absorption length 100 µm 1 µm 5 cm
(8) Width of rocking curve 5′′ 0.6° 0.5′′
(9) Refractive index n [\lt] 1 n [\gt] 1 n ≶ 1
  n = 1 + δ δ [\approx] − 1 × 10−5 δ [\approx] +1 × 10−4 δ [\approx] [\mp] 1 × 10−6
(10) Atomic scattering amplitudes f 10−3 Å 10 Å 10−4 Å
(11) Dependence of f on the atomic number Z [\sim Z] [\sim Z ^{2/3}] Nonmonotonic
(12) Anomalous dispersion Common Rare
(13) Spectral breadth 1 eV 3 eV 500 eV
Δλ/λ [\approx] 10−4 Δλ/λ [\approx] 10−5 Δλ/λ [\approx] 2