Tables for
Volume C
Mathematical, physical and chemical tables
Edited by E. Prince

International Tables for Crystallography (2006). Vol. C. ch. 4.2, p. 205

Section Correlation and Auger shifts

R. D. Deslattes,c E. G. Kessler Jr,f P. Indelicatoe and E. Lindrothg Correlation and Auger shifts

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Once the Dirac–Fock energy is obtained, many-body effects beyond Dirac–Fock relaxation must be taken into account. These include relaxation beyond the spherical average, correlation (due to both Coulomb and magnetic interaction), and corrections due to the autoionizing nature of hole states (Auger shift). Since the many-body generalization of the Dirac–Fock method, the so-called MCDF (multiconfiguration Dirac–Fock), is very inefficient for hole states, we turned to RMBPT to evaluate those quantities. These many-body effects contribute very significantly to the final value. Coulomb correlation is mostly constant along the Periodic Table (at the level of a few eV). Magnetic correlations are very strong at high Z. Auger shift is very important for p states. The interested reader will find more details of these complicated calculations in the original references (Indelicato & Lindroth, 1992[link]; Mooney et al., 1992[link]; Lindroth & Indelicato, 1993[link]; Indelicato & Lindroth, 1996[link]). As these calculations are very time consuming, they are performed only for selected Z and interpolated. Since the Auger shifts do not always have a smooth Z dependence, care has been taken to evaluate them at as many different Z's as practical to ensure a good reproduction of irregularities.


First citation Indelicato, P. & Lindroth, E. (1992). Relativistic effects, correlation, and QED corrections on Kα transitions in medium to very heavy atoms. Phys. Rev. A, 46, 2426–2436.Google Scholar
First citation Indelicato, P. & Lindroth, E. (1996). Current status of the relativistic theory of inner hole states in heavy atoms. Comments At. Mol. Phys. 32, 197–208.Google Scholar
First citation Lindroth, E. & Indelicato, P. (1993). Inner shell transitions in heavy atoms. Phys. Scr. T46, 139–143.Google Scholar
First citation Mooney, T., Lindroth, E., Indelicato, P., Kessler, E. & Deslattes, R. D. (1992). Precision measurements of K and L transitions in xenon: experiment and theory for the K, L and M levels. Phys. Rev. A, 45, 1531–1543.Google Scholar

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