Tables for Crystallography Volume C Mathematical, physical and chemical tables Edited by E. Prince © International Union of Crystallography 2006 |
International Tables for Crystallography (2006). Vol. C. ch. 4.2, p. 212
In order to compare historical data for X-ray spectra with the results in the present tabulation, certain conversion factors are needed. As discussed in the introduction, the principal units found in the literature are the xu and the Å* unit. There is the additional complication that there were several different definitions in use at various times and at the same time in different laboratories. For the convenience of the reader, we summarize in Table the main conversion factors needed. The numerical values for the wavelengths in Å can be converted to energies in electron volts by using the conversion factor 12398.41857 (49) eV Å (Mohr & Taylor, 2000