Tables for Crystallography Volume C Mathematical, physical and chemical tables Edited by E. Prince © International Union of Crystallography 2006 |
International Tables for Crystallography (2006). Vol. C. ch. 4.2, pp. 204-205
Only recently has it become possible to understand the relativistic many-body problem in atoms with sufficient detail to permit meaningful calculation of transition energies between hole states (Indelicato & Lindroth, 1992; Mooney, Lindroth, Indelicato, Kessler & Deslattes, 1992
; Lindroth & Indelicato, 1993
, 1994
; Indelicato & Lindroth, 1996
). To deal with those hole states for atomic numbers ranging from 10 to 100, one needs to consider five kinds of contributions, all of which must be calculated in a relativistic framework, and the relative influence of which can change strongly as a function of the atomic number:
Such an undertaking, although much more advanced than any other done in the past, still suffers from severe limitations that need to be understood fully to make the best use of the table. The main limitation is probably that most lines are emitted by atoms in an elemental solid or a compound, while the calculation at present deals only with atoms isolated in vacuum. (A purely experimental database would have a similar limitation.) The second limitation is that it is not possible at present to include the coupling between the hole and open outer shells. Coupling between a ,
hole and an external 3d or 4f shell can generate hundreds of levels, with splitting that can reach an eV. One then should calculate all radiative and Auger transition probabilities between hundreds of initial and final states. (The Auger final state would have one extra vacancy, leading eventually to thousands of final states.) Such an approach would give not only the mean line energy but also its shape and would thus be very desirable, but is impossible to do with present day theoretical tools and computers. We have thus limited ourselves to an approach in which one computes the weighted average energy for each hole state, and ignores possible distortion of the line profile due to the coupling between inner vacancies and outer shells.
Since we want to have good predictions for both light and heavy atoms, we have to include relativity non-perturbatively. To get a result approaching 1 × 10−6 for uranium Kα by applying perturbation theory to the Schrödinger equation, for example, one would need to go to order 22 in powers of Zα = v/c. The natural framework in this case is thus to do a calculation exact to all orders in Zα by using the Dirac equation. We thus have used many-body methods, based on the Dirac equation, in which the main contributions to the transition energy are evaluated using the Dirac–Fock method. We use the Breit operator for the electron–electron interaction, to include magnetic (spin–spin, spin–other orbit and orbit–orbit interactions in the lower orders in Zα and (v/c)2 retardation effects. Higher-order retardation effects are also included. Many-body effects are calculated by using relativistic many-body perturbation theory (RMBPT). Since inner vacancy levels are auto-ionizing, one must include shifts in their energy due to the coupling between the discrete levels and Auger decay continuua.
In the following subsections, we describe in more detail the calculation of the different contributions.