Tables for Crystallography Volume C Mathematical, physical and chemical tables Edited by E. Prince © International Union of Crystallography 2006 |
International Tables for Crystallography (2006). Vol. C. ch. 4.2, pp. 218-219
Section XAFS experiments
D. C. Creaghb
The variety and number of experiments in which XAFS experiments have been used is so large that it is not possible here to give a comprehensive list. By consulting the papers given in such texts as those edited by Winick & Doniach (1980), Teo & Joy (1981
), Bianconi, Incoccia & Stipcich (1983
), Mustre de Leon et al. (1988
), Hasnain (1990
), and Kuroda et al. (1992
), the reader may find references to a wide variety of experiments in fields of research ranging from archaeology to zoology.
In crystallography, XAFS experiments have been used to assist in the solution of crystal structures; the large variations in the atomic scattering factors can be used to help solve the phase problem. Helliwell (1984) reviewed the use of these techniques in protein crystallography. A further discussion of the use of these anomalous-dispersion techniques in crystallography has been given by Creagh (1987b
). The relation that exists between the attenuation (related to the imaginary part of the dispersion correction, f′′) and intensity (related to the atomic form factor and the real part of the dispersion correction, f′) is discussed by Creagh in Section 4.2.6
. Specifically, modulations occur in the observed diffracted intensities from a specimen as the incident photon energy is scanned through the absorption edge of an atomic species present in the specimen. This technique, referred to as diffraction anomalous fine structure (DAFS) is complementary to XAFS. Because of the dependence of intensity on the geometrical structure factor, and the fact that the structure factor itself depends on the positional coordinates of the absorbing atom, it is possible to discriminate, in some favourable cases, between the anomalous scattering between atoms occupying different sites in the unit cell (Sorenson et al., 1994
In many systems of biological interest, the arrangement of radicals surrounding an active site must be found in order that the role of that site in biochemical processes may be assessed. A study of the XAFS spectrum of the active atom yields structural information that is specific to that site. Normal crystallographic techniques yield more general information concerning the crystal structure. An example of the use of XAFS in biological systems is the study of iron–sulfur proteins undertaken by Shulman, Weisenberger, Teo, Kincaid & Brown (1978). Other, more recent, studies of biological systems include the characterization of the Mn site in the photosynthetic oxygen evolving complexes including hydroxylamine and hydroquinone (Riggs, Mei, Yocum & Penner-Hahn, 1993
) and an XAFS study with an in situ electrochemical cell on manganese Schiff-base complexes as a model of a photosystem (Yamaguchi et al., 1993
It must be stressed that the theoretical expression (equation does not take into account the state of polarization of the incident photon. Templeton & Templeton (1986
) have shown that polarization effects may be observed in some materials, e.g. sodium bromate. Given that most XAFS experiments are undertaken using the highly polarized radiation from synchrotron-radiation sources, it is of some importance to be aware of the possibility that dichroic effects may occur in some specimens.
Because XAFS is a short-range-order phenomenon, it is particularly useful for the structural study of such disordered systems as liquid metals and amorphous solids. The analysis of such disordered systems can be complicated, particularly in those cases where excluded-volume effects occur. Techniques for analysis for these cases have been suggested by Crozier & Seary (1980). Fuoss, Eisenberger, Warburton & Bienenstock (1981
) suggested a technique for the investigation of amorphous solids, which they call the differential anomalous X-ray scattering (DAS) technique. This method has some advantages when compared with conventional XAFS methods because it makes more effective use of low-k information, and it does not depend on a knowledge of either the electron phase shifts or the mean free paths.
Both the conventional XAFS and DAS techniques may be used for studies of surface effects and catalytic processes such as those investigated by Sinfelt, Via & Lytle (1980), Hida et al. (1985
), and Caballero, Villain, Dexpert, Le Peltier & Lynch (1993
It must be stressed that in all the foregoing discussion it has been assumed that the detection of XAFS has been by measurement of the linear attenuation coefficient of the specimen. However, the process of photon absorption followed by the ejection of a photoelectron has as its consequence both X-ray fluorescence and surface XAFS (SEXAFS) and Auger electron emission. All of these techniques are extremely useful in the analysis of dilute systems.
SEXAFS techniques
are extremely sensitive to surface conditions since the mean free path of electrons is only about 20 Å. Discussions of the use of SEXAFS techniques have been given by Citrin, Eisenberger & Hewitt (1978) and Stohr, Denley & Perfettii (1978
). A major review of the topic is given in Lee et al. (1981
). SEXAFS has the capacity of sensing thin films deposited on the surface of substrates, and has applications in experiments involving epitaxic growth and absorption by catalysts.
Fluorescence techniques
are important in those systems for which the absorption of the specimen under investigation contributes only very slightly to the total attenuation coefficient since it detects the fluorescence of the absorbing atom directly. Experiments by Hastings, Eisenberger, Lengeler & Perlman (1975) and Marcus, Powers, Storm, Kincaid & Chance (1980
) proved the importance of this technique in analysing dilute alloy and biological specimens. Materlik, Bedzyk & Frahm (1984
) have demonstrated its use in determining the location of bromine atoms absorbed on single-crystal silicon substrates. Oyanagi, Matsushita, Tanoue, Ishiguro & Kohra (1985
) and Oyanagi, Takeda, Matsushita, Ishiguro & Sasaki (1986
) have also used fluorescence XAFS techniques for the characterization of very thin films. More recently, Oyanagi et al. (1987
) have applied the technique to the study of short-range order in high-temperature superconductors. Oyanagi, Martini, Saito & Haga (1995
) have studied in detail the performance of a 19-element high-purity Ge solid-state detector array for fluorescence X-ray absorption fine structure studies.
A less-sensitive technique, but one that can be usefully employed for thin-film studies, is that in which XAFS modulations are detected in the beam reflected from a sample surface. This technique, ReflEXAFS, has been used by Martens & Rabe (1980) to investigate superficial regions of copper oxide films by means of reflection of the X-rays close to the critical angle for total reflection.
If a thin film is examined in a transmission electron microscope, the electron beam loses some of its kinetic energy in interactions between the electron beam and the electrons within the film. If the resultant energy loss is analysed using a magnetic analyser, XAFS-like modulations are observed in the electron energy spectrum. These modulations, electron-energy-loss fine structure (EELS), which were first observed in a conventional transmission electron microscope by Leapman & Cosslett (1976), are now used extensively for microanalyses of light elements incorporated into heavy-element matrices. Most major manufacturers of transmission electron microscopes supply electron-energy-loss spectrometers for their machines. There are more problems in analysing electron-energy-loss spectra than there are for XAFS spectra. Some of the difficulties encountered in producing reliable techniques for the routine analysis of EELS have been outlined by Joy & Maher (1985
). This matter is discussed more fully in §
A more recent development has been the observation of topographic XAFS (Bowen, Stock, Davies, Pantos, Birnbaum & Chen, 1984). This fine structure is observed in white-beam topographs taken using synchrotron-radiation sources. The technique provides the means of simultaneously determining spatially resolved microstructural and spectroscopic information for the specimen under investigation.
In all the preceding discussion, however, the electron was assumed to undergo only single-scattering processes. If multiple scattering occurs, then the theory has to be changed somewhat. § discusses the effect of multiple scattering.