Tables for Crystallography Volume C Mathematical, physical and chemical tables Edited by E. Prince © International Union of Crystallography 2006 |
International Tables for Crystallography (2006). Vol. C. ch. 4.2, p. 229
It is not possible to generalize on the accuracy of the experimental data sets. Creagh & Hubbell (1987) have shown that many experiments for which the precision quoted by the author is high differ from other accurate measurements by a considerable amount. It must be stressed that the experimental apparatus has to be chosen so that it is appropriate for the atomic system being investigated. Details concerning the proper choice of measuring system are given in Section 4.2.3
. Within about 200 eV of an absorption edge, deviations of up to 200% may be observed between theory and experiment. This is the region in which XAFS and XANES oscillations occur.
With respect to the theoretical data: the detailed agreement between the several methods for calculating the photo-effect cross sections is quite remarkable and it is estimated that the reliability of these data is to within 2% for the energy range considered in this compilation. Some problems may exist, however, close to the absorption edges. Errors in the calculation of the Rayleigh and the Compton scattering cross sections are assessed to be of the order of 5%. Because the greater proportion of total attenuation is photoelectric, the accuracy of the total scattering cross section should be much better than 5% and usually close to 2%.