Tables for
Volume C
Mathematical, physical and chemical tables
Edited by E. Prince

International Tables for Crystallography (2006). Vol. C. ch. 4.2, p. 205


R. D. Deslattes,c E. G. Kessler Jr,f P. Indelicatoe and E. Lindrothg

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Directly measured and emission + binding energies (see text) K-absorption edges in Å

Numbers in parentheses are standard uncertainties in the least significant figures.

Z Symbol Directly measured Emission + binding energies References
23 V 2.269211(21) 2.26893(11) (a)
24 Cr 2.070193(14) 2.07014(17) (a)
25 Mn 1.8964592(58) 1.896457(42) (a)
26 Fe 1.7436170(49) 1.743589(98) (a)
27 Co 1.6083510(42) 1.60836(17) (a)
28 Ni 1.4881401(36) 1.48823(25) (a)
29 Cu 1.3805971(31) 1.38060(16) (a)
30 Zn 1.2833798(40) 1.28338(15) (a)
39 Y 0.7277514(21) 0.727750(23) (a)
40 Zr 0.6889591(31) 0.688946(30) (a)
41 Nb 0.6531341(14) 0.653112(29) (a)
42 Mo 0.61991006(62) 0.619906(64) (a)
45 Rh 0.5339086(69) 0.533951(10) (a)
46 Pd 0.5091212(42) 0.509156(11) (a)
47 Ag 0.4859155(57) 0.4859168(91) (a)
48 Cd 0.4641293(35) 0.464135(12) (a)
49 In 0.4437454(48) 0.443740(11) (a)
50 Sn 0.4245978(29) 0.424590(13) (a)
51 Sb 0.4066324(27) 0.406612(12) (a)
68 Er 0.2156801(75) 0.2156762(50) (b)
82 Pb 0.1408821(74) 0.1408836(11) (c)

References: (a) Kraft et al. (1996[link]); (b) Lum et al. (1981[link]); (c) Bearden (1960[link]).