Tables for Crystallography Volume C Mathematical, physical and chemical tables Edited by E. Prince © International Union of Crystallography 2006 |
International Tables for Crystallography (2006). Vol. C. ch. 7.4, p. 657
Section Correction factor for powders
B. T. M. Willisd
Thermal diffuse scattering in X-ray powder-diffraction patterns produces a non-uniform background that peaks sharply at the positions of the Bragg reflections, as in the single-crystal case (see Fig.
For a given value of the scattering vector, the one-phonon TDS is contributed by all those wavevectors q joining the reciprocal-lattice point and any point on the surface of a sphere of radius
with its centre at the origin of reciprocal space. These q vectors reach the boundary of the Brillouin zone and are not restricted to those in the neighbourhood of the reciprocal-lattice point. To calculate α properly, we require a knowledge, therefore, of the lattice dynamics of the crystal and not just its elastic properties. This is one reason why relatively little progress has been made in calculating the X-ray correction factor for powders.