Tables for
Volume C
Mathematical, physical and chemical tables
Edited by E. Prince

International Tables for Crystallography (2006). Vol. C. ch. 8.1, pp. 681-682

Section Use of the QR factorization

E. Princea and P. T. Boggsb

a NIST Center for Neutron Research, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD 20899, USA, and bScientific Computing Division, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD 20899, USA Use of the QR factorization

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The linear least-squares problem can be viewed geometrically as the problem of finding the point in a p-dimensional subspace, defined as the set of points that can be reached by a linear combination of the columns of A, closest to a given point, y, in an n-dimensional observation space. Since this is equivalent to finding the orthogonal projection of point y into that subspace, it is not surprising that an orthogonal decomposition of A helps to solve the problem. For convenience in this discussion, let us remove the weight matrix from the problem by defining the standardized design matrix by [{\bi Z}={\bi UA}, \eqno (]where U is the upper triangular Cholesky factor of W.

Consider the least-squares problem with the QR factorization of Z, as given in Subsection[link]. For y′ = U(yb), ([link] becomes [\eqalignno{S &=({\bf y}^{\prime }-{\bi Z}{\bf x})^T({\bf y}^{\prime }-{\bi Z}{\bf x}) \cr &=[{\bi Q}^T({\bf y}^{\prime }-{\bi Z}{\bf x})]^T[{\bi Q}^T({\bf y}^{\prime }-{\bi Z}{\bf x})], & (}]which reduces to [S=({\bi Q}_{{\bi Z}}^T{\bf y}^{\prime }-{\bi R}{\bf x})^T({\bi Q}_{{\bi Z}}^T{\bf y}^{\prime }-{\bi R}{\bf x})+{\bf y}^{\prime T}{\bi Q}_{\bot }{\bi Q}_{\bot }^T{\bf y}^{\prime }. \eqno (]The second term in ([link] is independent of x, and is therefore the sum of squared residuals. The first term vanishes if [{\bi R}{\bf x}={\bi Q}_{{\bi Z}}^T{\bf y}^{\prime }, \eqno (]which, because R is upper triangular, is easily solved for x. The QR decomposition of Z therefore leads naturally to the following algorithm for solving the linear least-squares problem:

  • (1) compute the QR factorization of Z;

  • (2) compute [{\bi Q}_{{\bi Z}}^{T}{\bf y}^{\prime };]

  • (3) solve Rx = [{\bi Q}_{{\bi Z}}^{T}{\bf y}^{\prime }] for x.

  • (4) compute the residual sum of squares by [{\bf y}^{\prime T}{\bf y}^{\prime }-{\bf y}^{\prime }{\bi Q}_{{\bi Z}}{\bi Q}_{{\bi Z}}^{T}{\bf y}^{\prime }].

  • (5) compute the variance–covariance matrix from [{\bi V}_{\bf x} ={\bi R}^{-1}({\bi R}^{-1})^{T}].

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