Tables for
Volume C
Mathematical, physical and chemical tables
Edited by E. Prince

International Tables for Crystallography (2006). Vol. C. ch. 8.3, pp. 695-696


E. Prince,a L. W. Fingerb and J. H. Konnertc

a NIST Center for Neutron Research, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD 20899, USA,bGeophysical Laboratory, Carnegie Institution of Washington, 5251 Broad Branch Road NW, Washington, DC 20015-1305, USA, and cLaboratory for the Structure of Matter, Code 6030, Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, DC 20375-5000, USA

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Symmetry conditions for second-cumulant tensors

If more than one condition is applicable for a space group, the site is identified by its Wyckoff notation following the space-group symbol. The stated conditions are valid only for the first equipoint listed for the position. For space groups with alternative choices of origin, the option with a centre of symmetry has been selected.

(A) Monoclinic.

(1) Site symmetry m, 2, 2/m – four independent elements
  • (a) β12 = β23 = 0; one principal axis parallel to [010]

    All groups with unique axis b

  • (b) β13 = β23 = 0; one principal axis parallel to [001]

    All groups with unique axis c

(B) Orthorhombic.

(1) Site symmetry m, 2, 2/m – four independent elements
  • (a) β12 = β13 = 0; one principal axis parallel to [100]

    [P222(i,j,k,l)], [P222_1(a,b)], [C222_1(a)], [C222(e,f)], [F222(e,j)], [I222(e,f)], [I2_12_12_1(a)], [Pmm2(g,h)], [Pmc2_1], [Pma2(c)], [Pmn2_1], [Cmm2(e)], [Cmc2_1], [Amm2(d,e)], [Ama2(b)], [Fmm2(c)], [Imm2(d)], [Ima2(b)], [Pmmm(u,v)], [Pnnn(g,h)], [Pccm(i,j)], [Pban(g,h)], [Pmma(k)], [Pnna(d)], [Pmna(a,b,c,d,e,f,h)], [Pbcm(c)], [Pmmn(e)], [Cmcm(a,b,e,f)], [Cmca(a,b,d,f)], [Cmmm(n)], [Cccm(g)], [Cmma(c,d,h,i,m)], [Ccca(e)], [Fmmm(c,l,m)], [Fddd(e)], [Immm(l)], [Ibam(\,f)], [Ibca(c)], [Imma(a,b,f,h)]

  • (b) β12 = β23 = 0; one principal axis parallel to [010]

    [ P222(m,n,o,p)], [P222_1(c,d)], [C222_1(b)], [C222(g,h)], [F222(\,f,i)], [I222(g,h)], [I2_12_12_1(b)], [Pmm2(e,f)], [Cmm2(d)], [Amm2(c)], [Abm2(c)], [Fmm2(d)], [Imm2(c)], [Pmmm(w,x)], [Pnnn(i,j)], [Pccm(k,l)], [Pban(i,j)], [Pmma(a,b,c,d,g,h,i,j)], [Pmna(g)], [Pcca(c)], [Pmmm(\,f)], [Pbcn], [Pnma], [Cmca(e)], [Cmmm(o)], [Cccm(h)], [Cmma (e,f,j,k,n)], [Ccca(\,f)], [Fmmm(d,k,n)], [Fddd(\,f)], [Immm(m)], [Ibam(g)], [Ibca(d)], [Imma(c,d,g,i)]

  • (c) β13 = β23 = 0; one principal axis parallel to [001]

    [P222(q,r,s,t)], [P2_12_12], [C222(i,j,k)], [F222(g,h)], [I222(i,j)], [I2_12_12_1(c)], [Pcc2], [Pma2(a,b)], [Pnc2], [Pba2], [Pnn2], [Cmm2(c)], [Ccc2], [ Abm2(a,b)], [Ama2(a)], [Aba2], [Fmm2(b)], [Fdd2], [Iba2], [Ima2(a)], [Pmmm(y,z)], [Pnnn(k,l)], [Pccm(a,b,c,d,m,n,o,p,q)], [Pban(k,l)], [ Pnna(c)], [Pcca(d,e)], [Pbam], [Pccn], [Pbcm(d)], [Pnnm], [Cmcm(g)], [Cmmm(e,f,m,p,q)], [Cccm(c,d,e,f,i,j,k,l)], [Cmma(l)], [Ccca(g,h)], [Fmmm(e,j,o)], [Fddd(g)], [Immm(n)], [Ibam(c,d,h,i,j)], [Ibca(e)]

(2) Site symmetry mm2, 222, mmm – three independent elements
  • (a) β12 = β13 = β23 = 0; principal axes parallel to crystal axes

    All space groups

(C) Tetragonal.

(1) Site symmetry m, 2, 2/m – four independent elements
  • (a) β12 = β13 = 0; one principal axis parallel to [100]

    [ P422(l,m,n,o)], [P4_222(\,j,k,l,m)], [I422(h,i)], [I4_122(\,f)], [I4_1md], [P\overline {4}2m(i,j,k,l)], [P\overline {4}2c(g,i)], [I\overline {4}2m(\,f,g)], [I\overline {4}2d(d)], [P4/mcc(k,l)], [P4/nbm(k,l)], [P4/nnc(i,j)], [P4/nmm(i)], [P4_2/mmc(o,p)], [P4_2/mcm(l,m)], [P4_2/nbc(h,i)], [P4_2/nnm(i,j)], [P4_2/nmc(g)], [ I4/mmm(n)], [I4/mcm(\,j)], [I4_1/amd(c,d,f,h)], [I4_1/acd(e)]

  • (b) β12 = β23 = 0; one principal axis parallel to [010]

    [P4_122(a,b)], [P4_322(a,b)], [P4mm(e,f)], [P4_2mc], [I4mm(d)], [P\overline {4}2c(h,j)], [P\overline {4}m2(\,j,k)], [I\overline {4}m2(i)], [P4/mmm(s,t)]

  • (c) β13 = β23 = 0; one principal axis parallel to [001]

    [P4], [P4_2], [I4], [I4_1], [P\overline {4}], [I\overline {4}], [P4/m], [P4_2/m], [P4/n], [P4_2/n], [I4/m], [I4_1/a], [P422(i)], [P42_12(d)], [P4_222(g,h,i)], [P4_22_12(c,d)], [I422(\,f)], [I4_122(c)], [P4_2cm(c)], [P4_2nm(b)], [P4cc], [P4nc], [P4_2bc], [I4_1cd], [P\overline {4}2m(m)], [P\overline {4}2c(k,l,m)], [P\overline {4}2_1m(d)], [P\overline {4}21c], [P\overline {4}c2(g,h,i)], [P\overline {4}b2(e,f)], [P\overline {4}n2(e,h)], [I\overline {4}c2(\,f,g)], [I\overline {4}2m(h)], [I\overline {4}2d(c)], [P4/mmm(\,p,q)], [P4/mcc(e,i,m)], [P4/nnc(g)], [P4/mbm(i,j)], [P4/mnc(c,f,h)], [ P4/ncc(e)], [P42/mmc(q)], [P4_2/mcm(\,f,k,n)], [P4_2/nbc(\,f,g)], [P4_2/nnm(h)], [P4_2/mbc(a,c,e,f,h)], [P4_2/mnm(c,h,i)], [P4_2/ncm(\,f)], [I4/mmm(l)], [I4/mcm(k)], [I4_1/acd(d)]

  • (d) β11 = β22, β13 = −β23; one principal axis parallel to [110]

    [P422(\,j,k)], [P42_12(e,f)], [P4_122(c)], [P4_12_12], [P4_222(n,o)], [P4_22_12(e,f)], [P4_322(c)], [P4_32_12], [I422(g,j)], [I4_122(d)], [P\overline {4}m2(h,i)], [P\overline {4}c2(e,f)], [P\overline {4}b2(g,h)], [P\overline {4}n2(g)], [I\overline {4}m2(g,h)], [I\overline {4}c2(e,h)], [P4/mcc(\,j)], [P4/nbm(e,f,i,j,m)], [P4/nnc(h)], [P4/mnc(g)], [P4_2/mmc(n)], [P4_2/nbc(\,j)], [P4_2/nnm(e,f,k,l,m)], [P4_2/mbc(g)], [I4/mmm(k)], [I4/mcm(e,i)], [I4_1/amd(g)], [I4_1/acd(\,f)]

  • (e) β11 = β22, β13 = β23; one principal axis parallel to [[1\overline {1}0]]

    [I4_122(e)], [P4mm(d)], [P4bm], [P4_2cm(d)], [P4_2nm(c)], [I4mm(c)], [I4cm], [P\overline {4}2m(n)], [P\overline {4}2_1m(e)], [P\overline {4}n2(\,f)], [I\overline {4}2m(i)], [P4/mmm(r)], [P4/mbm(k)], [P4/nmm(d,e,g,h,j)], [P4/ncc(\,f)], [P4_2/mcm(o)], [P4_2/mnm(\,j)], [P4_2/nmc(\,f)], [P4_2/ncm(c,d,g,h,i)], [I4/mmm(\,f,m)], [I4/mcm(l)]

(2) Site symmetry mm2, 222, mmm – three independent elements
  • (a) β12 = β13 = β23 = 0; principal axes parallel to crystal axes

    [P422], [ P4_222(a,b,c,d)], [I422(c)], [P4mm], [P4_2mc], [ I4mm], [ I4_1md], [ P\overline {4}2m(e,f)], [ P\overline {4}2c], [ P\overline {4}m2], [ I\overline {4}m2], [ I\overline {4}2m(c)], [P4/mmm(e,f,i,l,m,n,o)], [P4/mcc], [P4/nnc], [P4/nmm], [P4_2/mmc], [P4_2/mcm(e)], [P4_2/nbc(a,b)], [P4_2/nnm(c)], [P4_2/nmc], [I4/mmm(c,g,i,j)], [I4_1/amd]

  • (b) β11 = β22, β13 = β23 = 0; principal axes parallel to [110], [[1\overline {1}0]] and [001]

    [P42_12], [P4_222(e,f)], [P4_22_12], [I422(d)], [I4_122], [P4bm], [P4_2cm], [P4_2nm], [I4cm], [P\overline {4}2m(g,h)], [P\overline {4}2_1m], [P\overline {4}c2], [P\overline {4}b2], [P\overline {4}n2], [I\overline {4}c2], [I\overline {4}2m(e)], [P4/mmm(\,j,k)], [P4/nbm], [P4/mbm], [P4/mnc], [P4/ncc], [P4_2/mcm(a,c,g,h,i,j)], [P4_2/nbc(c)], [P4_2/nnm(d,g)], [P4_2/mbc], [P4_2/mnm], [P4_2/ncm], [I4/mmm(h)], [I4/mcm], [I4_1/acd]

(3) Site symmetry 4, [\overline {4}], 4/m, 4mm, [\overline {4}2m], 422, 4/mmm – two independent elements
  • (a) β11 = β22, β12 = β13 = β23 = 0; uniaxial with unique axis parallel to [001]

    All space groups

(D) Trigonal (hexagonal axes) and hexagonal.

(1) Site symmetry m, 2, 2/m – four independent elements
  • (a) β13 = β23 = 0; one principal axis parallel to [001]

    [P6], [P6_2], [P6_4], [P\overline 6], [P6/m], [P6_3/m], [P622(i)], [P6_222(e,f)], [P6_422(e,f)], [P6cc], [P \overline 6m2(l,m)], [P\overline 6c2(k)], [P\overline 62m(\,j,k)], [P\overline 62c(h)], [P6/mmm(\,p,q)], [P6/mcc(g,i,l)], [P6_3/mcm(\,j)], [P6_3/mmc(\,j)]

  • (b) β11 = β22, β13 = −β23; one principal axis parallel to [110]

    [P3m1], [R3m], [P\overline 3m1(i)], [R\overline 3m(h)], [P6mm(e)], [P6_3mc], [P\overline 6m2(n)]

  • (c) β11 = β22, β13 = β23; one principal axis parallel to [[2\overline 10]]

    [P312], [P3_112], [P3_212], [P\overline 31m(i,j)], [P\overline 31c], [P622(l,m)], [P\overline 6c2(\;j)]

  • (d) β22 = 2β12, 2β13 = β23; one principal axis parallel to [100]

    [P321], [P3_121], [P3_221], [R32], [P\overline {3}m1(e,f,g,h)], [P\overline {3}c1], [R\overline {3}m(d,e,f,g)], [R\overline {3}c], [P622(\,j,k)], [P6_122(a)], [P6_522(a)], [P6_222(g,h)], [P6_422(g,h)], [P6_322(g)], [P\overline {6}2c(g)], [P6/mmm(o)], [P6/mcc(\,j)], [P6_3/mmc(g,i,k)]

  • (e) β22 = 2β12, β23 = 0; one principal axis parallel to [210]

    [P31m], [P\overline {3}1m(\,f,g,k)], [P6_122(b)], [P6_522(b)], [P6_222(i,j)], [P6_422(i,j)], [P6_322(h)], [P6mm(d)], [P6_3cm], [P\overline {6}2m(i)], [P6/mmm(n)], [P6/mcc(k)], [P6_3/mcm(\,f,i,k)]

(2) Site symmetry mm2, 222, mmm – three independent elements
  • (a) β22 = 2β12, β13 = β23 = 0; principal axes parallel to [100] and [001]

    [P622], [P6_222], [P6_422], [P6mm], [P\overline {6}2m], [P6/mmm], [P6/mcc], [P6_3/mcm], [P6_3/mmc]

  • (b) β11 = β22, β13 = β23 = 0; principal axes parallel to [110], [[2\overline {1}0]] and [001]

    [P\overline {6}m2]

(3) Site symmetry 3, [\overline {3}], 3m, 32, [\overline {3}m], [\overline {6}], 6, 6/m, [\overline {6}m2], 6mm, 622, [6/mmm] – two independent elements
  • (a) β11 = β22 = 2β12, β13 = β23 = 0; unique axis parallel to c

    All space groups

(E) Cubic.

(1) Site symmetry m, 2, 2/m – four independent elements
  • (a) β12 = β13 = 0; one principal axis parallel to [100]

    [P23], [F23], [I23], [I2_13], [Pm\overline {3}], [Pn\overline {3}], [Fm\overline {3}], [Fd\overline {3}], [Im\overline {3}], [Ia\overline {3}], [P432(h)], [P4_232(h,i,j)], [F432(i)], [F4_132(\,f)], [I432(g)], [I4_132(\,f)], [P\overline {4}3m(h)], [I\overline {4}3m(\,f)], [P\overline {4}3n], [F\overline {4}3c], [I\overline {4}3d], [Pm\overline {3}m(k,l)], [Pn\overline {3}n(g)], [Pm\overline {3}n(k)], [Pn\overline {3}m(h)], [Fm\overline {3}m(\,j)], [Fm\overline {3}c(i)], [Fd\overline {3}c(\,f)], [Im\overline {3}m(\,j)], [Ia\overline {3}d(\,f)]

  • (b) β11 = β22, β13 = β23; one principal axis parallel to [[1\overline {1}0]]

    [P\overline {4}3m(i)], [F\overline {4}3m], [I\overline {4}3m(g)], [Pm\overline {3}m(m)], [Pn\overline {3}m(k)], [Fm\overline {3}m(k)], [Fd\overline {3}m(g)], [Im\overline {3}m(k)]

  • (c) β22 = β33, β12 = −β13; one principal axis parallel to [011]

    [P432(i,j)], [P4_232(l)], [F432(g,h)], [I432(h)], [P4_132], [I4_132(g)], [Pn\overline {3}n(h)], [Pm\overline {3}n(\,j)], [Pn\overline {3}m(\,j)], [Fm\overline {3}c(h)]

  • (d) β22 = β33, β12 = β13; one principal axis parallel to [[01\overline 1]]

    [ P4_232(k)], [F4_132(g)], [I432(i)], [P4_332], [I4_132(h)], [Pn\overline 3m(i)], [Fd\overline 3m(h,i)], [Fd\overline 3c(g)], [Im\overline 3m(i)], [Ia\overline 3d(g)]

(2) Site symmetry mm2, 222, mmm – three independent elements
  • (a) β12 = β13 = β23 = 0; principal axes parallel to crystal axes

    [P23], [I23], [Pm\overline 3], [Pn\overline 3], [Fm\overline 3], [Im\overline 3], [P4_232(d)], [P\overline 43n], [Pm\overline 3m(h)], [Pm\overline 3n], [Fm\overline 3c], [Im\overline 3m(g)]

  • (b) β22 = β33, β12 = β13 = 0; principal axes parallel to [011], [[01\overline 1]] and [100]

    [P4_232(e,f)], [F432], [I432], [I4_132], [P\overline 43m], [F\overline 43m], [I\overline 43m], [Pm\overline 3m(i,j)], [Pn\overline 3m], [Fm\overline 3m], [Fd\overline 3m], [Im\overline 3m(h)], [Ia\overline 3d]

(3) Site symmetry 3, [\overline 3], 3m, 32, [\overline 3m], [\overline 6], 6, 6/m, [\overline 6m2], 6mm, 622, 6/mmm – two independent elements
  • (a) β11 = β22 = β33, β12 = β13 = β23; unique axis parallel to [111]

    All space groups

(4) Site symmetry 4, [\overline {4}], 4/m, 4mm, [\overline {4}2m], 422, 4/mmm – two independent elements
  • (a) β22 = β33, β12 = β13 = β23 = 0; uniaxial with unique axis parallel to [100]

    All space groups

(5) Site symmetry 23, m3, [\overline {4}3m], 432, m3m – one independent element
  • (a) β11 = β22 = β33, β12 = β13 = β23 = 0; isotropic

    All space groups