Tables for
Volume C
Mathematical, physical and chemical tables
Edited by E. Prince

International Tables for Crystallography (2006). Vol. C. ch. 8.7, pp. 723-724

Section Reciprocal-space averaging over external vibrations

P. Coppens,a Z. Sub and P. J. Beckerc

a 732 NSM Building, Department of Chemistry, State University of New York at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY 14260-3000, USA,bDigital Equipment Co., 129 Parker Street, PKO1/C22, Maynard, MA 01754-2122, USA, and cEcole Centrale Paris, Centre de Recherche, Grand Voie des Vignes, F-92295 Châtenay Malabry CEDEX, France Reciprocal-space averaging over external vibrations

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Thermal averaging of the electron density is considerably simplified for modes in which adjacent atoms move in phase. In molecular crystals, such modes correspond to rigid-body vibrations and librations of the molecule as a whole. Their frequencies are low because of the weakness of intermolecular interactions. Rigid-body motions therefore tend to dominate thermal motion, in particular at temperatures for which kT (k = 0.7 cm−1) is large compared with the spacing of the vibrational energy levels of the external modes (internal modes are typically not excited to any extent at or below room temperature).

For a translational displacement (u), the dynamic density is given by [ \rho _{\rm dyn} ({\bf r}) =\textstyle\int \rho ({\bf r}-{\bf u}) P({\bf u}) {\,{\rm d}}{\bf u}, \eqno (]with ρ(r) defined by ([link] (Stevens, Rees & Coppens, 1977[link]). In the harmonic approximation, P(u) is a normalized three-dimensional Gaussian probability function, the exponents of which may be obtained by rigid-body analysis of the experimental data. In general, for a translational displacement (u) and a librational oscillation (ω), [ \rho _{\rm dyn}({\bf r}) =\left (\textstyle\sum P_{\mu \nu }\chi _\mu \chi _\nu \right) *P({\bf u},\omega ). \eqno (]If correlation between u and ω can be ignored (neglect of the screw tensor S), P(u, ω) = P(u)P(ω), and both types of modes can be treated independently. For the translations [\eqalignno{ \left \langle \rho \right \rangle _{{\rm trans}} &=\textstyle\sum P_{\mu \nu } \{ \chi _\mu ({\bf r}) \chi _\nu ({\bf r}) *P({\bf u})  \} \cr &=\textstyle\sum P_{\mu \nu }F^{-1} \{\, f_{\mu \nu }({\bf h}) \cdot T_{{\rm tr}}({\bf h})\}, & (}]where F−1 is the inverse Fourier transform operator, and Ttr(h) is the translational temperature factor.

If R is an orthogonal rotation matrix corresponding to a rotation ω, we obtain for the librations [\eqalignno{ \left \langle \rho \right \rangle _{{\rm libr}} &=\textstyle\sum P_{\mu \nu } \{ \chi _\mu({\bi R}{\bf r}) \chi _v({\bi R} {\bf r}) *P (\omega) \} \cr &=\textstyle\sum P_{\mu \nu }F^{-1}\left \{\left\langle \,f_{\mu \nu }({\bi R}{\bf h}) \right \rangle \right \}, & (}]in which f(h) has been averaged over the distribution of orientations of h with respect to the molecule; [ \left \langle \,f_{\mu \nu }({\bf h}) \right \rangle =\textstyle\int f_{\mu \nu } ({\bi R}{\bf h}) P (\omega ) {\,{\rm d}}\omega. \eqno (]

Evaluation of ([link] and ([link] is most readily performed if the basis functions ψ have a Gaussian-type radial dependence, or are expressed as a linear combination of Gaussian radial functions.

For Gaussian products of s orbitals, the molecular scattering factor of the product ψμψν = Nμexp[−αμ(rrA)2] × Nνexp [−αν (rrB)2], where Nμ and Nν are the normalization factors of the orbitals μ and ν centred on atoms A and B, is given by [\eqalignno{ f_{{\rm stat}}^{s,s}\left ({\bf h}\right) &=N_\mu N_\nu \exp \left (- {\alpha _\mu \alpha _\nu \over\alpha _\mu +\alpha _\nu }\left | {\bf r}_A-{\bf r}_B\right | ^2\right) \left ({\pi \over\alpha _\mu +\alpha _\nu }\right) ^{3/2} \cr &\quad \times \exp \left ({-\pi ^2\left | h\right | ^2 \over\alpha _\mu +\alpha _v}\right) \exp \left (2\pi i{\bf h}\cdot {\bf r}_c\right), & (}]where the centre of density [{\bf r}_c] is defined by rc = (αμ rA + αν rB)/(αμ + αν).

For the translational modes, the temperature-factor exponent [-2\pi ^2\sum _{i}\sum _jU_{ij}h_{i}h_j] is simply added to the Gaussian exponent in ([link] to give [ \exp \left (-{\pi ^2 | h | ^2 \over \alpha _\mu +\alpha _\nu }\right) -2\pi ^2\sum \limits _{i}\sum \limits _jU_{{i}j}h_{{i}}h_j. ]For librations, we may write [ {\bi R}{\bf r}={\bf r}+{\bf u}_{{\rm lib}} ]As [({\bi R}{\bf h})\cdot {\bf r}={\bf h}\cdot{\bi R}^T{\bf r}={\bf h}\cdot {\bf r}-({\bi R}{\bf h})\cdot {\bf u}_{{\rm lib}}], for a function centred at r, [\eqalignno{ \left \langle \exp (2\pi {\bf h}\cdot {\bf r}_c) \right \rangle &=\textstyle\sum \exp [2\pi i({\bi R}{\bf h}) \cdot {\bf r}_c] P (\delta) {\,{\rm d}}\omega \cr &=\exp (2\pi {\bf h}\cdot {\bf r}_c) \textstyle\int \exp [-2\pi i({\bi R}{\bf h}) \cdot {\bf u}_{{\rm lib}}^c] P(\omega ) {\,{\rm d}}\omega, \cr&& (}]which shows that for ss orbital products the librational temperature factor can be factored out, or [ f_{\,{\rm dyn}}^{s,s}=f_{\rm stat}^{s,s}\textstyle\int \exp [-2\pi i({\bi R}{\bf h}) \cdot{\bf u}_{\rm lib}^c] P(\omega ) \,{\rm d}\omega. \eqno (]Expressions for P(ω) are described elsewhere (Pawley & Willis, 1970[link]).

For general Cartesian Gaussian basis functions of the type [ \psi({\bf r}) = (x-x_A) ^m (y-y_A) ^n (z-z_A) ^p\exp (-\alpha | {\bf r}-{\bf r}_A| ^2),\eqno (]the scattering factors are more complicated (Miller & Krauss, 1967[link]; Stevens, Rees & Coppens, 1977[link]), and the librational temperature factor can no longer be factored out. However, it may be shown that, to a first approximation, ([link] can again be used. This `pseudotranslation' approximation corresponds to a neglect of the change in orientation (but not of position) of the two-centre density function and is adequate for moderate vibrational amplitudes.

Thermally smeared density functions are obtained from the averaged reciprocal-space function by performing the inverse Fourier transform with phase factors depending on the position coordinates of each orbital product [\left \langle \rho \right \rangle = {1\over V}\sum P_{\mu \nu }\sum \limits _{{\bf h}}f_{\mu \nu }\left ({\bf h}\right) \exp \left [-2\pi i{\bf h}\cdot \left ({\bf r}-{\bf r}_c\right) \right] , \eqno (]where the orbital product χμχν is centred at [{\bf r}_c]. If the summation is truncated at the experimental limit of (sin θ)/λ, both thermal vibrations and truncation effects are properly introduced in the theoretical densities.


First citation Miller, K. J. & Krauss, M. (1967). Born inelastic differential cross sections in H2. J. Chem. Phys. 47, 3754–3762.Google Scholar
First citation Pawley, G. S. & Willis, B. T. M. (1970). Temperature factor of an atom in a rigid vibrating molecule. II. Anisotropic thermal motion. Acta Cryst. A36, 260–262.Google Scholar
First citation Stevens, E. D., Rees, B. & Coppens, P. (1977). Calculation of dynamic electron distributions from static molecular wave functions. Acta Cryst. A33, 333–338.Google Scholar

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