Tables for
Volume C
Mathematical, physical and chemical tables
Edited by E. Prince

International Tables for Crystallography (2006). Vol. C. ch. 9.2, pp. 752-753

Section Notations for close-packed structures

D. Pandeyc and P. Krishnab Notations for close-packed structures

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In the Ramsdell notation, close-packed structures are designated as nX, where n is the identity period and X stands for the lattice type, which, as shown later, can be hexagonal (H), rhombohedral (R), or in one special case cubic (C) (Ramsdell, 1947[link]).

In the Zhdanov notation, use is made of the stacking offset vector s and its opposite −s, which cause, respectively, a cyclic [(A\rightarrow B\rightarrow C\rightarrow A)] or anticyclic [(A\rightarrow C\rightarrow B\rightarrow A)] shift of layers in the same plane. The vector s can be either [(1/3)[1\bar 100]], [(1/3)[01\bar10]], or [(1/3)[\bar 1010]]. Zhdanov (1945[link]) suggested summing the number of consecutive offsets of each kind and designating them by numeral figures. Successive numbers in the Zhdanov symbol have opposite signs. The rhombohedral stackings have three identical sets of Zhdanov symbols in an identity period. It is usually sufficient to write only one set.

Yet another notation advanced, amongst others, by Jagodzinski (1949a[link]) makes use of configurational symbols for each layer. A layer is designated by the symbol h or c according as its neighbouring layers are alike or different. Letter `k' in place of `c' is also used in the literature.

Some of the common close-packed structures observed in metals are listed in Table[link] in terms of all the notations.

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Common close-packed metallic structures

Stacking sequenceIdentity periodRamsdell notationZhdanov notationJagodzinski notationPrototype
AB, A[\ldots]22H11hMg
ABC, A[\ldots]33C[\infty]cCu
ABCB, A[\ldots]44H22hcLa
ABCBCACAB, A[\ldots]99R21hhcSm


First citation Jagodzinski, H. (1949a). Eindimensionale Fehlordnung in Kristallen und ihr Einfluss auf die Rontgeninterferenzen. I. Berechnung des Fehlordnungsgrades aus den Rontgenintensitaten. Acta Cryst. 2, 201–207.Google Scholar
First citation Ramsdell, L. S. (1947). Studies on silicon carbide. Am. Mineral. 32, 64–82.Google Scholar
First citation Zhdanov, G. S. (1945). The numerical symbol of close-packing of spheres and its application in the theory of close-packings. C. R. Dokl. Acad. Sci. URSS, 48, 43.Google Scholar

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