Tables for
Volume C
Mathematical, physical and chemical tables
Edited by E. Prince

International Tables for Crystallography (2006). Vol. C. ch. 9.7, p. 903


A. J. C. Wilson,a V. L. Karenb and A. Mighellb

a St John's College, Cambridge CB2 1TP, England, and bNIST Center for Neutron Research, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD 20899, USA

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Statistics of the use of Wyckoff positions of specified symmetry [{\cal G}] in the homomolecular organic crystals, based on the data by Belsky, Zorkaya & Zorky (1995[link])

[{\cal G}] Space groups with positions of symmetry [{\cal G}] Space groups actually occurring Space groups using such positions
1 230 116 57
2 167 79 38
m 99 42 25
[\overline {1} ] 38 28 10
3 57 18 7
4 24 6 4
[\overline {4}] 29 17 8
222 50 15 5
mm 2 57 18 5
2/m 39 21 6
6 5 1 0
[\overline {6}] 8 3 1
32 22 5 1
3m 22 8 5
[\overline {3}] 14 7 4
422 9 1 1
[\overline {4}]2m, [\overline {4}]m2 19 5 3
4mm 8 3 0
4/m 7 2 1
mmm 16 3 2
23 12 3 2
622 2 1 0
[\overline {6}]2m, [\overline {6}]m2 5 1 1
6mm 2 0 0
6/m 2 1 0
[\overline {3}] m 8 3 1
4/mmm 4 2 1
432 5 0 0
[\overline {4}]3m 6 2 1
m [\overline {3}] 5 2 1
6/mmm 1 0 0
m [\overline {3}] m 3 2 2