International Tables for Crystallography

Volume C: Mathematical, physical and chemical tables

Second online edition (2021)   ISBN: 978-1-119-95235-0

Edited by T. R. Welberry

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Sample chapters (freely available):

Volume C provides the mathematical, physical and chemical information needed for experimental studies in structural crystallography. The volume covers all aspects of experimental techniques, using all three principal radiation types, from the selection and mounting of crystals and production of radiation, through data collection and analysis, to interpretation of results.

This core volume of the International Tables series is currently being thoroughly revised and updated to cover new areas and those that have developed substantially since the last edition was published. New articles will cover electron diffraction (including electron back-scatter diffraction, electron energy loss spectroscopy, precession electron diffraction and advances in electron detectors); crystal structure prediction; data mining; X-ray tomography; X-ray reflectivity; detectors for X-rays; quantum crystallography and electron densities; phase retrieval in protein crystallography; and bond-valence parameters. Several new and revised articles that will form part of the second online edition are now available as early view chapters.

Volume C is an essential source of information for all workers using crystallographic techniques in physics, chemistry, materials science, metallurgy, earth sciences and molecular biology.