Tables for
Volume D
Physical properties of crystals
Edited by A. Authier

International Tables for Crystallography (2006). Vol. D. ch. 1.2, p. 68

Section Determination of the vector representation

M. Ephraïm,b T. Janssen,a A. Jannerc and A. Thiersd Determination of the vector representation

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For a point group G, its isomorphism class and its character table are known. For each conjugacy class, a representative element is given as word [A_{1}A_{2}\ldots] where the [A_{i}]'s correspond to generators. Replacing the letters by the generating matrices, one obtains as product a matrix for which the trace is the character of the vector representation in the conjugacy class. The characters of all conjugacy classes being known, the representation can be decomposed into irreducible components by means of [m_{\alpha} = {({1}/{|G|})}\textstyle\sum\limits_{i} n_{i}\chi_{\alpha}^{*}(i)\chi (i), ]where [\alpha] labels the irreducible representations (the row number in the character table), [m_{\alpha}] the number of times the representation [\alpha] occurs, [|G|] the order of the group G, [n_{i}] the number of elements in the ith conjugacy class (given as the second row in the character table), [\chi_{\alpha}(i)] the cyclotomic in the ith row and [\alpha]th column of the character table, and [\chi (i)] the calculated character in the ith conjugacy class.

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