Tables for
Volume D
Physical properties of crystals
Edited by A. Authier

International Tables for Crystallography (2006). Vol. D. ch. 1.5, p. 129


A. S. Borovik-Romanova and H. Grimmerb*

a P. L. Kapitza Institute for Physical Problems, Russian Academy of Sciences, Kosygin Street 2, 119334 Moscow, Russia, and bLabor für Neutronenstreuung, ETH Zurich, and Paul Scherrer Institute, CH-5234 Villigen PSI, Switzerland
Correspondence e-mail:

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The numbers of the crystallographic space groups that allow a phase transition into a weakly ferromagnetic state and the invariants of lowest order that are responsible for weak ferromagnetism

Note that the standard numbering of space groups is used in this table, not the one employed by Turov (1963[link]).

System Nos. of the space groups Invariants Case No.
Monoclinic 3–15 [M_{x}L_{y}], [M_{z}L_{y}], [M_{y}L_{x}], [M_{y}L_{z}] [{1}]
Orthorhombic 16–74 [M_{x}L_{y}], [M_{y}L_{x}] [{2}]
[M_{y}L_{z}], [M_{z}L_{y}] [{3}]
[M_{x}L_{z}], [M_{z}L_{x}] [{4}]
Tetragonal 75–88 [M_{x}L_{y}+M_{y}L_{x}], [M_{x}L_{x}-M_{y}L_{y}] [{5}]
89–142 [{M_{x}L_{y}-M_{y}L_{x}}] [{6}]
[{M_{x}L_{y}+M_{y}L_{x}}] [{7}]
[{M_{x}L_{x}-M_{y}L_{y}}] [{8}]
Trigonal 149–167 [{M_{x}L_{y}-M_{y}L_{x}}] [{9}, {10}]
Hexagonal 168–176 [{M_{z}(L_{x}{\pm}iL_{y})^{3}}], [{(M_{x}{\pm}iM_{y})(L_{x}{\pm}iL_{y})^{2}L_{z}}] [{11}]
177–194 [{M_{x}L_{y}-M_{y}L_{x}}] [{12}]
[{iM_{z}[(L_{x}+iL_{y})^{3}-(L_{x}-iL_{y})^{3}]}], [{i[(M_{x}+iM_{y})(L_{x}+iL_{y})^{2}-(M_{x}-iM_{y})(L_{x}-iL_{y})^{2}]L_{z}}] [{13}]
[{M_{z}[(L_{x}+iL_{y})^{3}+(L_{x}-iL_{y})^{3}]}], [{[(M_{x}+iM_{y})(L_{x}+iL_{y})^{2}+(M_{x}-iM_{y})(L_{x}-iL_{y})^{2}]L_{z}}] [{14}]
Cubic 207–230 [{M_{x}L_{x}(L_{y}^{2}-L_{z}^{2})+M_{y}L_{y}(L_{z}^{2}-L_{x}^{2})+M_{z}L_{z}(L_{x}^{2}-L_{y}^{2})}] [{15}]