Tables for
Volume D
Physical properties of crystals
Edited by A. Authier

International Tables for Crystallography (2006). Vol. D. ch. 1.6, pp. 168-170

Section Optical rotation along the optic axis of a uniaxial crystal

A. M. Glazera* and K. G. Coxb

a Department of Physics, University of Oxford, Parks Roads, Oxford OX1 3PU, England, and bDepartment of Earth Sciences, University of Oxford, Parks Roads, Oxford OX1 3PR, England
Correspondence e-mail: Optical rotation along the optic axis of a uniaxial crystal

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Consider a uniaxial crystal such as quartz, crystallizing in point group 32. In this case, the only dielectric tensor terms (for the effect of symmetry, see Section[link] ) are [\varepsilon_{11} = \varepsilon_{22} \ne \varepsilon_{33}], with the off-diagonal terms equal to zero. The equations for the dielectric displacements along the three coordinate axes [x_1], [x_2] and [x_3] are then given, according to equations ([link] and ([link], by [\eqalignno{D_1& = \varepsilon_{o}\varepsilon_{11}E_1 - i\varepsilon_{o}\left[G_{12}E_2 + G_{13}E_3\right]&\cr D_2& = \varepsilon_{o}\varepsilon_{22}E_2 - i\varepsilon_{o}\left[G_{23}E_3 - G_{21}E_1\right]&\cr D_3 &= \varepsilon_{o}\varepsilon_{33}E_3 - i\varepsilon_{o}\left[G_{31}E_1 - G_{32}E_2\right]. & (}]If the light is taken to propagate along [x_3], the optic axis, the fundamental optics equation ([link] is expressed as [\displaylines{ \pmatrix{ \varepsilon_{11}& - iG_{12}& -iG_{13}\cr iG_{12}&\varepsilon_{11}& -iG_{23}\cr iG_{13}&iG_{23}&\varepsilon_{33}+n^2} \pmatrix{E_1\cr E_2\cr E_3 } \cr\hfill\quad= \pmatrix{ n^2&0&0\cr 0&n^2&0\cr 0&0&n^2} \pmatrix{ E_1\cr E_2\cr E_3} .\hfill(}]As usual, the longitudinal solution given by [iG_{13}E_1 + iG_{23}E_2 + \varepsilon_{33}E_3 = 0 \eqno(]can be ignored, as one normally deals with a transverse electric field in the normal case of propagating light. For a non-trivial solution, then, [ \left| \matrix{ \varepsilon_{11}-n^2&-iG_{12}\cr iG_{12}&\varepsilon_{11}-n^2} \right| = 0, \eqno (]which gives [ n^2 = \varepsilon_{11} \pm G_{12}. \eqno (]This results in two eigenvalue solutions, [n_1] and [n_2], from which one has [ (n_1 - n_2)(n_1 + n_2) = 2G_{12} = -2G_3 \eqno (]and thus [ n_1 - n_2 = {G_{12}\over {\bar n}} = - {G_{3}\over {\bar n}}. \eqno (]The optical rotatory power ([link] is then given by [\rho = {\pi G_{3}\over \lambda {\bar n}} = {\pi (n_2 - n_1)\over \lambda}. \eqno(]Note that in order to be consistent with the definition of rotatory power used here, [n_2\,\gt\, n_1] for a dextrorotatory solution. This implies that [n_2] should be identified with [n_L] and [n_1] with [n_R]. To check this, find the eigenvectors corresponding to the two solutions ([link].

For [n_1^2 = \varepsilon_{11} - G_{3} ], the following matrix is found from ([link]: [ \pmatrix{G_3&iG_{3}\cr-iG_{3}&G_3} = 0, \eqno (] giving the Jones matrix [(1/2^{1/2})\pmatrix{ 1\cr -i} = 0. \eqno (]This corresponds to a right-circularly polarized wave. It should be noted that there is confusion in the optics textbooks over the Jones matrices for circular polarizations. Jones (1948[link]) writes a right-circular wave as [\pmatrix{ 1\cr i},]but this is for a definition of right-circularly polarized light as that for which an instantaneous picture of the space distribution of its electric vector describes a right spiral. The modern usage is to define the sense of circular polarization through the time variation of the electric vector in a given plane as seen by an observer looking towards the source of the light. This reverses the definition given by Jones.

For [n_2^2 = \varepsilon_{11} + G_{3} ], the following matrix is found: [ \pmatrix{-G_3&iG_{3}\cr -iG_{3}&-G_3} = 0, \eqno (] giving [ (1/{2}^{1/2})\pmatrix{ 1\cr i} = 0. \eqno (]

This corresponds to a left-circularly polarized wave. Therefore it is proved that the optical rotation arises from a competition between two circularly polarized waves and that in equation ([link] [n_1 = n_R] and [n_2 = n_L], the refractive indices for right- and left-circularly polarized light, respectively. Note that Fresnel's original idea of counter-rotating circular polarizations fits nicely with the eigenvectors rigorously determined in ([link] and ([link]. Thus [\rho = {\pi (n_L - n_R)\over \lambda}. \eqno(]Finally, for light propagating along [x_3] in quartz, one can write the direction of the wave normal as [ {\hat s}_1 = 0; \quad {\hat s}_2 = 0;\quad {\hat s}_3 = 1 \eqno(] and then the gyration vector is given by [ G = g_{i3} {\hat s}_i {\hat s}_3 = g_{13} + g_{23} + g_{33} = g_{33} \eqno(]as [g_{12}= g_{23} = 0] in point group 32. Thus from ([link] it is seen that [ g_{33} = G_3 = -G_{12}, \eqno(]thus linking one of the components of the gyration tensor [g_{m\ell}] with a component of the gyration vector [\bf G] and a tensor component of [[G]].


First citation Jones, R. C. (1948). A new calculus for the treatment of optical systems. VII. Properties of N-matrices. J. Opt. Soc. Am. 38, 671–685.Google Scholar

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