Tables for
Volume G
Definition and exchange of crystallographic data
Edited by S. R. Hall and B. McMahon

International Tables for Crystallography (2006). Vol. G. ch. 2.6, pp. 65-68

Section DDL2 definitions describing data items

J. D. Westbrook,a* H. M. Bermana and S. R. Hallb

a Protein Data Bank, Research Collaboratory for Structural Bioinformatics, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology, 610 Taylor Road, Piscataway, NJ 08854-8087, USA, and bSchool of Biomedical and Chemical Sciences, University of Western Australia, Crawley, Perth, WA 6009, Australia
Correspondence e-mail: DDL2 definitions describing data items

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In this section, the DDL2 categories that describe the properties of data items are presented. Figs[link] and[link] illustrate the organization of definitional elements in these categories. ITEM

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The category named ITEM is used to assign membership of data items to categories. This category forms the bridge between the category and data-item levels of abstraction. The key data item in this category is the full data-item name, This name contains both the category and data-item identifiers, and is thus a unique identifier for the data item. The category identifier, _item.category_id, is included in this category as a separate mandatory data item. This has been done to provide an explicit reference to those categories that use the category identifier as a unique identifier.

One could alternatively use the category and item identifiers as the basis for this category rather than the concatenated form of the item name, and thus eliminate the redundant specification of the category identifier. The full name has been used here in order to provide compatibility with existing applications.

The item category also includes a code to indicate whether a data item is mandatory in a category and therefore must be included in any tuple of items in the category. This code, _item.mandatory_code, may have three values: yes, no and implicit. This last named value indicates that the item is mandatory, but that the value of this item may be derived from the context. In the case of an item name or a category identifier, these values can be obtained from the current save-frame name. Implicit specification dramatically simplifies the appearance of each dictionary definition because it avoids the repeated declaration of item names and category identifiers that are basis components or the unique identifiers for most categories.

Although the data item is the basis for all of the item-level categories, its definition and properties need only be specified at a single point. Here, the data items that occur in multiple categories are defined only in the parent category. In certain situations, a child data item may be used in a manner which requires a description distinct from the parent data item. For instance, _item_linked.parent_name and _item_linked.child_name are both data-item names as well as children of, but clearly the manner in which these items are used in the ITEM_LINKED category requires additional description. It is important to note that although the design of this DDL supports the definition of data items in multiple categories within the parent category, it is also possible to provide separate complete definitions within each category. ITEM_ALIASES

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The DDL category ITEM_ALIASES defines the alias names that can be substituted for a data-item name. The alias mechanism also provides a means of identifying items by names other than those that follow the naming conventions used in this DDL. This feature should be used primarily to guarantee the stability of names defined in previously published dictionaries. The items, _item_aliases.dictionary and _item_aliases.version form the key for this category. The items _item_aliases.dictionary and _item_aliases.version are provided to distinguish between dictionaries and different versions of the same dictionary. Any number of unique alias names can be defined for a data item. ITEM_DEFAULT

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The DDL category ITEM_DEFAULT holds default values assigned to data items. Default data values are specified in item _item_default.value. Default values are assigned to data items that are not declared within a category. The key item for this category,, is a child of A single default value may be specified for a data item. ITEM_DEPENDENT

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The ITEM_DEPENDENT category defines dependency relationships among data items within a category. Each data item on which a particular data item depends is specified as an item _item_dependent.dependent_name. For a data item to be considered completely defined, each of its dependent data items must also be specified. ITEM_DESCRIPTION

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The DDL category ITEM_DESCRIPTION holds a description for each data item. The key item for this category is, which is defined in the parent category ITEM. The text of the item description is held by data item _item_description.description. A single description may be provided for each data item. ITEM_ENUMERATION

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The DDL category ITEM_ENUMERATION holds lists of permissible values for a data item. Each enumerated value is specified in item _item_enumeration.value, each of which may have an associated description item _item_enumeration.detail. The combination of items and _item_enumeration.value form the key for this category. The parent definition of the former item is defined in the category ITEM. Multiple unique enumeration values may be specified for each data item. ITEM_EXAMPLES

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The DDL category ITEM_EXAMPLES is provided to hold examples associated with individual data items. An example specification consists of the text of the example,, and an optional comment item, _item_examples.detail, which can be used to qualify the example. Multiple examples may be provided for each item. ITEM_LINKED

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The ITEM_LINKED category defines parent–child relationships between data items. This provides the mechanism for specifying the relationships between data items that may exist in multiple categories. Link relationships are most commonly defined between key items, which form the keys for many different categories.

In the DDL definition, all child relationships are expressed within the parent category.

Because the item _item_linked.parent_name has been defined as an implicit item, the child relationships can be specified most economically in the parent category where the parent item name can be automatically inferred. If link relationships are specified in a child category, then both parent and child item names must be specified.

Both parent and child item names in this category are children of, which ensures that all link relationships can be properly resolved. However, it is possible to define cyclical link relationships within this category. Any implementation of this DDL category should include a method to check for the existence of such pathological cases. ITEM_METHODS

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The ITEM_METHODS category is used to associate method identifiers with data items. Any number of unique method identifiers may be associated with a data item. The method identifiers reference the full method definitions in the parent METHOD_LIST category. ITEM_RANGE

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The ITEM_RANGE category defines a restricted range of permissible values for a data item. The restrictions are specified as one or more sets of the items _item_range.minimum and _item_range.maximum. These items give the lower and upper bounds for a permissible range. To specify that an item value may be equal to the upper or lower bound or a range, the minimum and maximum values of the range are equated. The special STAR value indicating that a data value is not appropriate (denoted by a period, ` .') can be used to avoid expressing an upper or lower bound value. When limits are applied to character data, comparisons are made following the collating sequence of the character set. When limits are applied to abstract data types, methods must be provided to define any comparison operations that must be performed to check the boundary conditions. ITEM_RELATED

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The ITEM_RELATED category describes specific relationships that exist between data items. These relationships are distinct from the parent–child relationships that are expressed in the category. The related item is identified as the item _item_related.related_name that is a child of

Item relationships defined by _item_related.function_code in this category include some of the following (Table[link]): an item is related to another item by a conversion factor; an item is a replacement for another item; an item is replaced by another item; an item is an alternative expression of an item; items which differ only in some convention of their expression; and items which express a set of related characteristics. One can also identify whether the declaration of an item is mutually exclusive with its alternative item. Multiple related items can be associated with each data item and multiple relationship codes can be specified for each related item. ITEM_STRUCTURE

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The ITEM_STRUCTURE category holds a code which identifies a structure definition that is associated with a data item. A structure in this context is a reusable matrix or vector definition declared in category ITEM_STRUCTURE_LIST. The data item _item_structure.code is a child of the item _item_structure_list.code. The item _item_structure.code provides an indirect reference into the list of structure-type definitions in category ITEM_STRUCTURE_LIST. The _item_structure.organization item describes the row/column precedence of the matrix organization. ITEM_STRUCTURE_LIST

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The ITEM_STRUCTURE_LIST category holds definitions of matrices and vectors that can be associated with data items. A component of the key for this category is _item_type_list.code, which is referenced by _item_structure.code to assign a structure type to a data item. The definition of a structure involves the specification of a length for each dimension of the matrix structure. The combination of items _item_structure_list.code and _item_structure_list.index forms the key for this category. The latter index item is the identifier for the dimension, hence multiple unique dimensions can be specified for each structure code. The length of each dimension is assigned to _item_structure_list.dimension. ITEM_SUB_CATEGORY

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The ITEM_SUB_CATEGORY category is used to assign subcategory membership for data items. A data item may belong to any number of subcategories. Each subcategory must be defined in a category named SUB_CATEGORY. ITEM_TYPE

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The ITEM_TYPE category holds a code that identifies the data type of each data item. The data item _item_type.code is a child of the item _item_type_list.code. Data-type definitions are actually made in the ITEM_TYPE_LIST parent category. The item _item_type.code provides an indirect reference into the list of data-type definitions in category ITEM_TYPE_LIST. This indirect reference is provided as a convenience to avoid the redeclaration of the full data-type specification for each data item. The key item for this category is, which is defined in the parent category ITEM. Only one data type may be specified for a data item. ITEM_TYPE_CONDITIONS

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The category ITEM_TYPE_CONDITIONS defines special conditions applied to a data-item type. This category has been included in order to comply with previous applications of STAR and CIF. Since the constructions that are embodied in this category are antithetical to the data model that underlies DDL2, it is recommended that this category only be used for the purpose of parsing existing data files and dictionaries. ITEM_TYPE_LIST

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The ITEM_TYPE_LIST category holds the list of item data-type definitions. The key item in this category is _item_type_list.code. Data types are associated with data items by references to this key from the ITEM_TYPE category. One of the data-type codes defined in this category must be assigned to each data item.

The definition of a data type consists of the specification of the item's primitive type and a regular expression that defines the pattern that must be matched by any occurrence of the item. The primitive type code, _item_type_list.primitive_code, can assume values of char, uchar, numb and null. This code is provided for backward compatibility with STAR and CIF applications that employ loose data typing. The data item _item_type_list.construct holds the regular expression that must be matched by the data type. Simple regular expressions can be used to define character fields of restricted width, floating-point and integer formats.

Molecular Information File (MIF) applications (Allen et al., 1995[link]) have extended the notion of the regular expression to include data-item components. This permits the construction of complex data items from one or more component data items using regular expression algebra. These extended regular expressions are defined in the category ITEM_TYPE_CONDITIONS.

Example[link] illustrates the data types that are defined within this DDL. The DDL uses a number of character data types which have subtly different definitions. For instance, the data type identified as code defines a single-word character string; char extends the code type with the addition of a white-space character; and text extends the char type with the addition of a newline character. Two special character data types name and idname are used to define the full STAR data name and the STAR name components, respectively. The data type any is used to match any potential data type. This type is used for data items that may hold a variety of data types. The data type int is defined as one or more decimal digits and the yyyy-mm-dd type defines a date string.

Example The description of permitted data types in the DDL2 dictionary.

[Scheme scheme6] ITEM_UNITS

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The ITEM_UNITS category holds a code that identifies the system of units in which a data item is expressed. The data item _item_units.code is a child of the item _item_units_list.code. Unit definitions are actually made in the ITEM_UNITS_LIST parent category. The item _item_units.code provides an indirect reference into the list of data-type definitions in category ITEM_UNITS_LIST. This indirect reference is provided as a convenience to avoid the redeclaration of the full data-type specification for each data item. The key item for this category is, which is defined in the parent category ITEM. Only one type of unit may be specified for a data item. ITEM_UNITS_CONVERSION

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The ITEM_UNITS_CONVERSION category holds a table of conversion factors between the systems of units described in the ITEM_UNITS_LIST category. The systems of units are identified by a *.from_code and a *.to_code, which are both children of the item _item_units_list.code. The conversion is defined in terms of an arithmetic operator and a conversion factor, _item_units_conversion.operator and _item_units_conversion.factor, respectively. ITEM_UNITS_LIST

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The ITEM_UNITS_LIST category holds the descriptions of systems of physical units. The key item in this category is _item_units_list.code. Units are assigned to data items by references to this key from the ITEM_UNITS category.


First citation Allen, F. H., Barnard, J. M., Cook, A. F. P. & Hall, S. R. (1995). The Molecular Information File (MIF): core specifications of a new standard format for chemical data. J. Chem. Inf. Comput. Sci. 35, 412–427.Google Scholar

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