Tables for Crystallography Volume G Definition and exchange of crystallographic data Edited by S. R. Hall and B. McMahon © International Union of Crystallography 2006 |
International Tables for Crystallography (2006). Vol. G. ch. 2.6, pp. 68-70
Section DDL2 definitions describing categories
Protein Data Bank, Research Collaboratory for Structural Bioinformatics, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology, 610 Taylor Road, Piscataway, NJ 08854-8087, USA, and bSchool of Biomedical and Chemical Sciences, University of Western Australia, Crawley, Perth, WA 6009, Australia |
In this section, the DDL definitions that describe the properties of categories, category groups and subcategories are presented. Fig. illustrates the organization of these categories.
The category named CATEGORY contains the data items that describe the properties of collections of related data items. A DDL category is essentially a table. In this category the characteristics of the table as a whole are defined. This category includes the data items to identify a category name; _category.description to describe a category; _category.mandatory_code to indicate whether the category must appear in a data block; and _category.implicit_key, which can be used to merge like categories between data blocks. The category identifier is a component of the key in most of the DDL categories in this section. The parent definition of the category identifier and all its child relationships are defined in this category.
Because special rules exist in the STAR grammar for the specification of data items that belong to a common category, the organization of data items within categories has a significant influence on how these items may be expressed in a data file. For example, a data category may be specified only once within a STAR data block or save frame, and at any level of a STAR loop structure only data items of a common category may appear.
The category named CATEGORY_EXAMPLES holds examples that apply to an entire category. This typically includes a complete specification of the category with annotations. An example specification consists of the text of the example,, and an optional comment item, _category_examples.detail, which can be used to qualify the example. The key for this category includes the items and The former is completely defined in the parent category named CATEGORY.
The category CATEGORY_GROUP names the category groups to which a category belongs. The assignment of a category to a category group is made when the category is defined. Each category group that is specified in this category must also be defined in the parent category, CATEGORY_GROUP_LIST. The basis for this category also includes the category identifier _category_group.category_id, which is completely defined in the parent category named CATEGORY.
The DDL category CATEGORY_GROUP_LIST holds data items that define category groups. Category groups are collections of related categories. Parent–child relationships may be defined for these groups. The specification of category groups and the relationships between these groups allow a complicated collection of categories to be organized into a hierarchy of more relevant groups. This higher level of structure is essential for large application dictionaries that may contain hundreds of category definitions.
The category CATEGORY_GROUP_LIST holds the description of each category group, _category_group_list.description, and an optional identifier of the parent group, _category_group_list.parent_id. Category groups can be formed from collections of base categories, those categories that hold data. Category groups can also be formed from collections of base categories and category groups.
Example illustrates the category groups that are defined in this DDL. These include the group of categories that define categories, the group of categories defining data items and the group of categories that define properties of the dictionary. An additional compliance group is also defined for categories that are included specifically for compliance with previous versions of DDL. Each of these category groups is defined as a child of the group named ddl_group to which all of the base DDL categories belong.
The category CATEGORY_KEY identifies the data items within a category that form the basis for the category. The category basis uniquely identifies each group or tuple of items in the category. In the analogy of the category as a table, no row in a table may have duplicate values for its key data items.
The choice of basis has important consequences in the specification of a category. It is important to ensure that the key items that form the category basis can unambiguously identify any tuple of data items within the category. If this is not the case, then it may not be possible to reliably recover data items that are stored in the category. Because key items are required to address each tuple of items in a category, key items are considered mandatory items in the category.
It is interesting to note how the key data items have been selected for the categories that define the DDL, and how this choice of key items influences the structure of the DDL dictionary. In the DDL category CATEGORY_KEY, the basis includes both the identifier for the category,, and the name of the key data item, This choice of basis allows for any unique groups of items in a category to be defined as key items. Duplicate key-item values within a category are forbidden by the data model. In the DDL category ITEM_TYPE, the basis includes only the identifier for the item name, This choice of basis has the desired effect of limiting the specification of item data type, _item_type.code, to a single choice for each data item.
The CATEGORY_METHODS category is used to associate method identifiers with categories. Any number of unique method identifiers may be associated with a category. The method identifiers reference the full method definitions in the parent METHOD_LIST category.
The category SUB_CATEGORY provides data items to describe a subcategory and to associate a procedure with the subcategory (see Section A subcategory is a set of data items within a category that have a particular association. A typical example would be a triad of positional coordinates x, y, z that are collectively assigned to a `cartesian' subcategory.
The DDL category SUB_CATEGORY_EXAMPLES holds examples of a subcategory. A subcategory example might illustrate valid instances of the items comprising the subcategory. An example specification contains the text of the example,, and an optional comment item, _sub_category_examples.detail, that can be used to qualify the example. The key for this category includes the items and This compound basis permits multiple unique examples to be provided for each subcategory.
The SUB_CATEGORY_METHODS category is used to associate method identifiers with subcategories. Any number of unique method identifiers may be associated with a subcategory. The method identifiers reference the full method definitions in the parent METHOD_LIST category.
The procedure that is identified as _sub_category_methods.method_id may be used to validate the subcategory identified as _sub_category_methods.sub_category_id. Subcategory validation may be required in instances where conditions are placed on the values of data items within the subcategory that are more restrictive than those associated with each component data item. A simple example of such a restriction would be a normalization restriction on the components of a subcategory. Any procedure referenced in this category must also be defined in the category METHOD_LIST.