Tables for
Volume G
Definition and exchange of crystallographic data
Edited by S. R. Hall and B. McMahon

International Tables for Crystallography (2006). Vol. G. ch. 3.3, p. 130

Table A3.3.1.1 

B. H. Tobya*

a NIST Center for Neutron Research, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, Maryland 20899-8562, USA
Correspondence e-mail:

Table A3.3.1.1 | top | pdf |
Categories in the powder CIF dictionary

Numbers in parentheses refer to the section of this chapter where each category is described in detail.

PD_BLOCK group (§3.3.7[link]) PD_MEAS group (§[link])
 PD_BLOCK (§3.3.7[link])  PD_DATA (part of category) (§[link](a))
PD_CALC group (§[link])  PD_MEAS_INFO (§[link](b))
 PD_CALC (§[link](b))  PD_MEAS_METHOD (§[link](c))
 PD_DATA (part of category) (§[link](a)) PD_PEAK group (§[link])
PD_CALIB group (§[link])  PD_PEAK (§[link](a))
 PD_CALIB (§[link](a))  PD_PEAK_METHOD (§[link](b))
 PD_CALIBRATION (§[link](b)) PD_PHASE group (§[link])
PD_CHAR group (§[link])  PD_PHASE (§[link])
 PD_CHAR (§[link](a)) PD_PREP group (§[link])
PD_DATA group  PD_PREP (§[link](b))
_pd_calc_* items (§[link](a)) PD_PROC group (§[link])
_pd_instr_var_illum_len  PD_DATA (part of category) (§[link](a))
  (§[link](d))  PD_PROC_INFO (§[link](b))
_pd_meas_* items (§[link](a))  PD_PROC_LS (§[link](c))
_pd_proc_* items (§[link](a)) PD_SPEC group (§[link])
PD_INSTR group (§[link])  PD_SPEC (§[link])
 PD_DATA (part of category) (§[link](d)) REFLN group (§[link])
 PD_INSTR (§[link](c))  REFLN (§[link])