Macromolecular dictionary (mmCIF) version 2.0.09
The correlation coefficient between the observed and calculated structure factors for reflections not included in the refinement (free reflections). The correlation coefficient is scale-independent and gives an idea of the quality of the refined model. sum~i~(Fo~i~ Fc~i~ - <Fo><Fc>) R~corr~ = ------------------------------------------------------------ SQRT{sum~i~(Fo~i~)^2^-<Fo>^2^} SQRT{sum~i~(Fc~i~)^2^-<Fc>^2^} Fo = observed structure factors Fc = calculated structure factors <> denotes average value summation is over reflections not included in the refinement (free reflections)
Type: float
Mandatory item: no
Alias:_refine.ebi_Correlation_coeff_Fo_to_Fc_free (ebi_extensions version 1.0)
Category: refine