Symmetry dictionary (symCIF) version 1.0.1
Revision history
======================================================================== Version 0.01 (1998-11-27) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ (I.D.Brown) Creation of first draft of the dictionary. Contains the categories SPACE_GROUP, SPACE_GROUP_POS, SPACE_GROUP_REFLNS and SPACE_GROUP_COORD ======================================================================== Version 0.02 (1999-02-15) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ (IDB) Changes made in response to suggestions from the project group. New categories introduced SPACE_GROUP_SYMOP SPACE_GROUP_ASYM. The following category name changes were made: SPACE_GROUP_POS to SPACE_GROUP_WYCKOFF SPACE_GROUP_REFLNS to SPACE_GROUP_WYCKOFF_CONDITIONS SPACE_GROUP_COORD to SPACE_GROUP_WYCKOFF_COORD The items are arranged in alphabetical order Many other changes made in response to comments received including new data names for space-group names ======================================================================== Version 0.03 (1999-09-01) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ IDB Definitions of _space_group.IT_number, *.name_schoenflies *.Bravais_type, *point_group_H-M, *.crystal_system and *.Laue_class changed to those supplied by Litvin and Kopsky. *.setting_code changed to *.it_coordinate_system_code. *.name_H-M-K dropped. *.Patterson_symmetry_H-M changed to *.Patterson_name_H-M and enumeration list corrected. *.reference_setting added In category space_group_symop 'operator' changed to 'operation'. _space_group_symop.operation_matrix changed to conform to IT. _space_group_symop.generator_* added. _space_group.reference_setting added. _space_group_Wyckoff.* and related categories rewritten to avoid conflicting parent-child relations. Removal of *_coord.* and addition of *_cond_link.* ======================================================================== Version 0.04 (1999-11-01) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ IDB List of reference settings imported from Ralf Grosse-Kunstleve supplied 1999-10-29 by RWGK based on (Select 'Docs', Select 'space Group Symbols') Symmetry table of Ralf W. Grosse-Kunstleve, ETH, Zuerich. version June 1995 updated September 29 1995 updated July 9 1997 last updated July 24 1998 Matrices expanded into separate items for each element. References added for *_Wyckoff.site_symmetry and *.IT_coordinate_system_code. *_asym category deleted. Numerous typographical errors corrected ======================================================================== Version 0.05 (2000-01-12) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ IDB Further clarifications to definitions as suggested by Aroyo, Wondratschek, Madariaga, Litvin and Grosse-Kunstleve. Removal of all matrix forms of matrices (leaving xyz form) in the hope that a new DDL will make matrix representation simpler. Removal of *_Wyckoff_cond and *_Wyckoff_cond_link categories until a new DDL simplifies their structure. Added _space_group.transform_* items ======================================================================== Version 0.06 (2000-05-04) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ IDB Further clarification of definitions as suggested by Aroyo, Wondratschek, Madariaga and Grosse-Kunstleve, particularly clarification of the Hermann-Mauguin symbols and Bravais types and changes to conform to the usage of ITA. ======================================================================== Version 0.07 (2000-07-18) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ IDB Further clarifications and corrections from Wondratschek and Grosse-Kunstleve. Dictionary checked in vcif. Brian McMahon: Structural review for COMCIFS. Some reformatting and cleaning up of minor typos. Checked against vcif and cyclops. ======================================================================== Version 0.08 (2000-07-20) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ J. Westbrook Miscellaneous corrections and reformatting from software scan. ======================================================================== Version 0.09 (2001-05-31) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ IDB The links between the space_group category and the space_group_symop and space_group_Wyckoff categories are corrected as well as the links between space_group_symop and the various geom_ categories. Brian McMahon: Changed type of _space_group_symop.sg_id to numb at request of IDB. ======================================================================== Version 0.10 (2001-11-07) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ IDB A number of corrections made following the approval of this dictionary in principle by COMCIFS. The underscore in all space-group names has been removed and the text modified to indicate that underscores are only permitted to allow earlier space group tables to be read. _space_group.name_H-M changed to _space_group.name_H-M_ref An enumeration list added to _space_group.name_H-M_ref The 1995 H-M names for space groups 39, 41, 64, 67 and 68 introduced Aliases to _symmetry_space_group_name_H-M removed from _*.name_H-M_ref ^ replaced by . in Schoenflies names (e.g. C2h^4 replaced by C2h.4) Changes made in the text of _*.reference_setting _*.transformation_rotation_xyz and _*_origin_shift replaced by _*.transformation_Pp_abc and _*. transformation_Qq_xyz ======================================================================== Version 1.0 (2001-12-08) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Brian McMahon: COMCIFS public release version ======================================================================== Version 1.0.1 (2005-06-17) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2004-09-25 Brian McMahon: Editorial modifications for incorporation into International Tables for Crystallography Volume G. Fixed wrong example in _space_group.name_Schoenflies. Updated web reference to Xtal in _space_group.reference_setting. 2005-02-07 NJA: minor corrections to hyphenation, spelling and punctuation. References to International tables Volume A updated to refer to fifth (2002) edition. SPACE_GROUP: example 1, _space_group.name_H-M changed to _space_group.name_H-M_ref. _space_group.transform_Qq_xyz, Pnnn2 to changed to Pnnn:2. 2005-06-17 NJA: small corrections to follow proof corrections for IT G Chapter 4.7. ========================================================================