Molecular Information File dictionary (MIF) version 1.2.3
The colour code specifying the colour of the object identified by _display_symbol. The permitted colour codes are stored with the RGB ratios as a separate validation file 'mif_core_colours.val'.
Appears in list containing _display_id
The data value must be one of the following:
black | 000:000:000_RGB |
white | 255:255:255_RGB |
grey | 192:192:192_RGB |
grey_light | 211:211:211_RGB |
grey_slate | 112:128:144_RGB |
blue | 000:000:255_RGB |
blue_light | 176:224:230_RGB |
blue_medium | 000:000:205_RGB |
blue_dark | 025:025:112_RGB |
blue_navy | 000:000:128_RGB |
blue_royal | 065:105:225_RGB |
blue_sky | 135:206:235_RGB |
blue_steel | 070:130:180_RGB |
turquoise | 064:224:208_RGB |
cyan | 000:255:255_RGB |
cyan_light | 224:255:255_RGB |
green | 000:255:000_RGB |
green_light | 152:251:152_RGB |
green_dark | 000:100:000_RGB |
green_sea | 046:139:087_RGB |
green_lime | 050:205:050_RGB |
green_olive | 107:142:035_RGB |
green_khaki | 240:230:140_RGB |
yellow | 255:255:000_RGB |
yellow_light | 255:255:224_RGB |
yellow_gold | 255:215:000_RGB |
brown | 165:042:042_RGB |
brown_sienna | 160:082:045_RGB |
brown_beige | 245:245:220_RGB |
brown_tan | 210:180:140_RGB |
salmon | 250:128:114_RGB |
salmon_light | 255:160:122_RGB |
salmon_dark | 233:150:122_RGB |
orange | 255:165:000_RGB |
orange_dark | 255:140:000_RGB |
red | 255:000:000_RGB |
red_coral | 255:127:080_RGB |
red_tomato | 255:099:071_RGB |
red_orange | 255:069:000_RGB |
red_violet | 219:112:147_RGB |
red_maroon | 176:048:096_RGB |
pink | 255:192:203_RGB |
pink_light | 255:182:193_RGB |
pink_deep | 255:020:147_RGB |
pink_hot | 255:105:180_RGB |
violet | 238:130:238_RGB |
violet_red | 208:032:144_RGB |
violet_magenta | 255:000:255_RGB |
violet_dark | 148:000:211_RGB |
violet_blue | 138:043:226_RGB |
Enumeration default: black
Type: char
Category: display