DDL dictionary version 1.4.1




   Specifies the relationship between the defined item and the
   item specified by _related_item. The following classifications
   are recognized.

   'alternate' signals that the item referred to in _related_item
   has attributes that permit it to be used as an alternative to the
   defined item for validation purposes.

   'convention' signals that the item referred to in _related_item
   is equivalent to the defined item except for a predefined
   convention which requires a different _enumeration set.

   'conversion' signals that the item referred to in _related_item
   is equivalent to the defined item except that different scaling
   or conversion factors are applied.

   'replace' signals that the item referred to in _related_item
   may be used identically to replace the defined item.

Appears in list containing _related_item

The data value must be one of the following:

used alternatively for validation tests

equivalent except for defined convention

equivalent except for conversion factor

new definition replaces the current one

Type: char

Category: related

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