Tables for Crystallography Volume G Definition and exchange of crystallographic data Edited by S. R. Hall and B. McMahon © International Union of Crystallography 2006 |
International Tables for Crystallography (2006). Vol. G. ch. 5.2, pp. 492-494
Section The Star_Base branching request
School of Computer Science and Software Engineering, University of Western Australia, 35 Stirling Highway, Crawley, Perth, WA 6009, Australia,bSchool of Biomedical and Chemical Sciences, University of Western Australia, Crawley, Perth, WA 6009, Australia, and cInternational Union of Crystallography, 5 Abbey Square, Chester CH1 2HU, England |
Both conditional and data requests will retrieve matching data items wherever they may be found in the input file; the scope of the query in both cases is the entire file.
The top-level query type supported by Star_Base, the branching request, allows selection of sub-requests based on the results of prior tests, and also allows the narrowing or expansion of the scope of a request. The effect is to permit extensive control over the selection of data matching complex conditions. It is this which gives Star_Base the power of a database query language.
Note again that the user will in general need prior knowledge of the arrangement of data items within a STAR File in order to compose meaningful requests; Star_Base is agnostic about the organization and structure of the contents of a data file and will simply return exactly those data items and their context that match the specified conditions.
A branching request takes the following form:
<condition> <branch_request>
[ else_ <branch_request> ]
[ unknown_ <branch_request> ]
The <condition> has exactly the same form as a conditional request, but does not return data to the calling process. It returns only a logical value that is used to determine which branch to evaluate. This logical return value may be TRUE if the condition is satisfied, UNKNOWN if the condition is not satisfied because there was no occurrence of a requested data name within the current scope of the query, or FALSE if the condition is not met otherwise.
The branching request must have a condition and a branch request that is made if the condition returns TRUE. The other possible branches are optional. The unknown_ branch, if present, is executed when the condition returns a value of UNKNOWN. If there is no unknown_ branch, then the default truth value is set as FALSE (i.e. a return value of UNKNOWN is treated as equivalent to FALSE) and the else_ branch is executed if present. It is possible to override this behaviour by using the special operator assume_true_ before a condition. This operator forces the default truth value to TRUE when a condition returns an UNKNOWN value. It is a useful shorthand when the same branch request is applied against a condition that is either TRUE or UNKNOWN. The syntax is
assume_true_ (<condition>).
A <branch request> (that is, the set of actual individual requests within a branching request construct) has three possible forms:
(iii) scope_<scope setting> <branch request> endscope_.
Note carefully the different contexts in which branch requests and nested branching requests may occur.
scope_ <scope setting> specifies the range of data to be searched in the input file. The effect of the setting is closed by the endscope_ statement. The permitted values of <scope setting> are:
(i) data_item_ restricts the branch request to the data items in the condition,
(ii) loop_packet_ restricts the branch request to the contents of the loop packet in which data match the condition,
(iii) loop_structure_ restricts the branch request to the loop structure in which data match the condition,
(iv) save_frame_ restricts the branch request to the contents of the save frame in which data match the condition,
(v) data_block_ restricts the branch request to the contents of the data block in which data match the condition,
(vi) file_ specifies that the branch request applies to the contents of the file containing data matching the condition (the default setting).
The default scope is invoked when a scope_<scope setting> is not specified; in such a case the scope of the branch request is the same as that of the condition.
Fig. demonstrates the construction of a branching request that restricts the scope of the query. The two requests in this figure are applied to the STAR File example of Fig.
. In Figure
(a), the query is targeted to retrieve all data items in a loop packet where the value of _basis_set_contraction_scheme includes the substring (3), provided that the value of _basis_set_atomic_name identically matches the string value hydrogen in the next outer nested loop packet. The data relevant to the contraction scheme labelled (3)->[2] are returned. Note how the wildcard data request _* retrieves the data items from the next outer loop structure in which the requested data lie.
In the example of Fig., the request for an unknown data name cannot be matched within the input file, and the unknown_ branch of the request is executed. In this case, the secondary request is more specific (only data names including the substring contraction are matched) and hence only a few items from the second-level loop are returned. Scopes can be expanded or contracted. If the example of Fig.
(a) were to be modified by replacing the innermost scope_loop_packet_ declaration with scope_loop_structure_, the query would proceed by testing for the existence of a contraction scheme value including the string (3) in the loop packet relevant to the hydrogen results (as before). Finding that this condition was satisfied, the result returned would be all data names in the encompassing loop structure – i.e. in this particular example, the complete loop contents would be returned.
Note that Star_Base faithfully returns context even in the processing of complex branching requests. Therefore if, for example, a save-frame pointer is returned as a data value following the processing of a request, the associated save-frame contents will be returned in full so that they are referenced in the returned STAR data structure.