Tables for Crystallography Volume G Definition and exchange of crystallographic data Edited by S. R. Hall and B. McMahon © International Union of Crystallography 2006 |
International Tables for Crystallography (2006). Vol. G. ch. 5.3, p. 520
Section The augmented DDL dictionary
International Union of Crystallography, 5 Abbey Square, Chester CH1 2HU, England |
Fig. is an example of the annotations necessary to flag the data names that refer to data items desired to be input from a CIF. The current implementation requires that a copy of the DDL dictionary relevant for the CIF be physically edited to include the new _variable_name attribute. The inclusion of such a new attribute will not affect the use of the CIF dictionary for other purposes and by other software.
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Extracts from an augmented DDL1 dictionary (version 1.0 of the core CIF dictionary). The additional _variable_name entry is shown in italics. |
The definition blocks of data items that are not to be read by the application should be left unchanged.
The value assigned to the _variable_name attribute is the name of the variable declared in the application program for storing the input data item. If the items to be input are part of an array (i.e. they exist in the CIF as a looped list), the variable name should be supplied as a dimensioned array variable, e.g. atsiteu[1000] in the example of Fig.
The same attribute (_variable_name) may be inserted in DDL1 or DDL2 dictionaries. Separate parsers are supplied for use with either format. When BuildSiv is invoked, the parser reads the augmented dictionary and identifies the data items required by the target input subroutine by the presence of a _variable_name attribute in the definition block. The definition is read and the relevant values of the type (DDL attribute _type), item name ( _name) and variable name are output in a simple tag–value format and in a standard order. For DDL2 dictionaries, values of _item_aliases.alias_name and _item_linked.parent_name, if present, are also output. The DDL parser thus transforms and simplifies the dictionary contents.
Where the item-name attribute occurs inside a loop (i.e. several data names occur in a single definition block in the dictionary), the variable name for that particular definition block will be given an extra array dimension by CifSieve, equal to the number of names in the loop. When a name from this loop is found in a CIF, the value will be read into the respective array location. If an _item_aliases.alias_name attribute is present (DDL2), the alias will also be recognized in CIF input files. If this attribute occurs together with looped item names in the domain dictionary, an attempt is made to determine the parent in the loop to which this _item_aliases.alias_name refers. This is done within the BuildSiv program by examining _item_linked.parent_name entries within the same definition block.
Data typing is simplified; the _item_type.code values of DDL2 dictionaries are collapsed onto primitive `numb' or `char' types. Values of type numb are declared and stored as type double (C) or REAL*8 (Fortran), while values of type char are stored as character arrays char[84] (C) or CHARACTER*84 (Fortran). In consequence, multiple lines of text cannot be retrieved with this version of CifSieve. Note in particular that values declared as of type `int' in DDL2 dictionaries will be stored as double-precision real.