Tables for
Volume G
Definition and exchange of crystallographic data
Edited by S. R. Hall and B. McMahon

International Tables for Crystallography (2006). Vol. G. ch. 5.3, p. 516


B. McMahona*

a International Union of Crystallography, 5 Abbey Square, Chester CH1 2HU, England
Correspondence e-mail:

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Object methods provided by the STAR::DataBlock Perl module

Method Description
store Saves a DataBlock object to disk
get_item_data Returns all the data for a specified item
get_keys Returns a string with a hierarchically formatted list of hash keys (data blocks, save blocks, categories and items) found in the data structure of the DataBlock object
get_items Returns an array with all the items present in the DataBlock
get_categories Returns an array with all the categories present in the DataBlock
insert_category Inserts a category into a data structure
insert_item Insert an item into a data structure
set_item_data Sets the data content of an item according to a supplied array