Tables for Crystallography Volume G Definition and exchange of crystallographic data Edited by S. R. Hall and B. McMahon © International Union of Crystallography 2006 |
International Tables for Crystallography (2006). Vol. G. ch. 5.4, p. 534
Section Warnings: input errors
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Kramer Science Center, Dowling College, Idle Hour Blvd, Oakdale, NY 11769, USA, and bSchool of Biomedical and Chemical Sciences, University of Western Australia, Crawley, Perth, WA 6009, Australia |
Category 〈cat-code〉 first implicitly defined in cif
The category code in the DDL2 data name is not matched by an explicit definition in the dictionary. This may be intentional but usually indicates a typographical error in the CIF or the dictionary.
Data name 〈name〉 not in dictionary!
The data item name 〈name〉 was used in the CIF but could not be found in the dictionary.
Data block header missing
No data_ or global_ was found when expected.
Duplicate data item 〈name〉
Two or more identical data names 〈name〉 have been detected in a data block or save frame.
Exponent overflow in numeric input
Exponent underflow in numeric input
The numeric value being processed has an exponent that cannot be processed on this machine. If the string involved is not intended as a number, then surrounding it with quotes may resolve the problem.
Heterogeneous categories in loop 〈new cat-code〉 vs 〈old cat-code〉
Looped lists should not contain data items belonging to different categories. This error occurs if the category of a new data item fails to match the category of a prior data item. A special category (none) is used to denote item names for which no category has been declared. Warnings are not issued on this level for a loop for which all data items have no declared category.
Input line length exceeds line_
Non-blank characters were found beyond the value given by the variable line_. The default value for line_ is 80 (optionally increased to 2048 in CIFtbx 2.7 and later for CIF 1.1 compliance). The extra characters in column positions line_ + 1 through MAXBUF will be processed but the input file may need to be reformatted for use with other CIF-handling programs.
Missing loop_ items set as DUMMY
A looped list of output items was truncated with an incomplete loop packet (i.e. the number of items did not match the number of loop_ data names). The missing values were set to the character string `DUMMY'.
Numb type violated 〈name〉
The data item 〈name〉 has been processed with an explicit dictionary type numb, but with a non-numeric value. Note that the values `?' or `.' will not generate this message.
Quoted string not closed
Character values may be enclosed by bounding quotes. The strict definition of a `quoted-string' value is that it must start with a 〈wq〉 digraph and end with a 〈qw〉 digraph, where w is a white-space character blank or tab and q is a single or double quote, and the same type of quote mark is used in the terminal digraph as was used in the initial digraph. This message is issued if these conditions are not met.