Tables for Crystallography Volume G Definition and exchange of crystallographic data Edited by S. R. Hall and B. McMahon © International Union of Crystallography 2006 |
International Tables for Crystallography (2006). Vol. G. ch. 5.4, pp. 534-535
Section Warnings: output errors
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Kramer Science Center, Dowling College, Idle Hour Blvd, Oakdale, NY 11769, USA, and bSchool of Biomedical and Chemical Sciences, University of Western Australia, Crawley, Perth, WA 6009, Australia |
Converted pchar_ output to text for 〈string〉
An attempt was made to write a string with pchar_ instead of ptext_, but the string contains a combination of characters for which ptext_ must be used.
ESD less than precision of machine
Overflow of esd
Underflow of esd
A call to pnumb_ or numb_ was made with values of the number and standard uncertainty (e.s.d) which cannot be presented properly on this machine. A bounding value of 0 or 99999 is used for the e.s.d.
Invalid value of esdlim_ reset to 19
In processing numeric output, a value of esdlim_ less than 9 or greater than 99999 was found. esdlim_ is then set to 19.
Missing loop_ name set as _DUMMY
Missing loop_ items set as DUMMY
In processing a loop_, a dummy string has been inserted for a missing header or value.
Output CIF line longer than line_
In outputting a line, the data exceed the limit specified in line_. This occurs only if a single data name or a value exceeds this limit.
Out-of-sequence call to end text block
The termination of a text block has been invoked before a text block has been started. This can only occur with irregular use of the CIFtbx routines rather than the standard interface routines.
Output prefix may force line overflow
A prefix string placed in prefx_ exceeds line_ less the allowed length of tags.
Prefix string truncated
A prefix string specified to prefx_ is longer than the maximum line length allowed. The prefix string is truncated and processing continues.