Tables for Crystallography Volume G Definition and exchange of crystallographic data Edited by S. R. Hall and B. McMahon © International Union of Crystallography 2006 |
International Tables for Crystallography (2006). Vol. G. ch. 5.4, p. 535
Section Warnings: dictionary checks
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Kramer Science Center, Dowling College, Idle Hour Blvd, Oakdale, NY 11769, USA, and bSchool of Biomedical and Chemical Sciences, University of Western Australia, Crawley, Perth, WA 6009, Australia |
Aliases and names in different loops; only using first alias
If a DDL2 dictionary contains a loop of alias declarations, the corresponding data-name declarations are expected to be in the same loop. Only the first alias name is used.
Attempt to redefine category for item
Attempt to redefine type for item
If a DDL2 dictionary contains a category or type for a data item that conflicts with an earlier declaration, the first is used.
Categories and names in different loops
Types and names in different loops
If a DDL2 dictionary contains a loop of category or type declarations, the corresponding data-name declarations are expected to be in the same loop. Only the first category name or type is used.
Category id does not match block name
In a DDL2 dictionary, the save-frame code is expected to start with the category name. If a category name within the frame is not within a loop, it is checked against that in the frame code and a warning is issued if these do not match.
Conflicting definition of alias
A DDL2 dictionary contains a new declaration of a data-name alias which is in conflict with a previous alias definition. The first alias declaration is used.
Duplicate definition of same alias
A DDL2 dictionary contains a new declaration of an alias for a data name which duplicates a previously defined alias pair.
Item name 〈name〉 does not match category name
If category checking is enabled and the category assigned to an item name does not match the intial characters of the item name, this message is issued. This may indicate a typographical error or a deprecated item in the dictionary.
Item type 〈type-code〉 not recognised
The DDL2 dictionary type codes are translated to the DDL type codes `numb', `char' and `text'. If an unrecognized type code is found no translation occurs.
Multiple DDL category definitions
Multiple DDL name definitions
Multiple DDL type definitions
Multiple DDL related item definitions
Multiple DDL related item functions
DDL1 and DDL2 declarations for categories, data names, data types and related items are used in the same data block or save frame.
Multiple categories for one name
Multiple types for one name
A dictionary contains a loop of category or type definitions and an unlooped declaration of a single data name. The first category or type definition is used.
No category defined in block 〈name〉 and name 〈name〉 does not match
A DDL2 dictionary contains no category for the defined data item and it was not possible to derive an implicit category from the block name. This usually indicates a typographical error in the dictionary.
No category specified for name 〈name〉
A dictionary contains categories and category checking is enabled but no category is defined for the named data item.
No name defined in block
No name in the block matches the block name
These messages are issued if a dictionary save frame or data block contains no name definition or if all the names defined fail to match the block name.
No type specified for name 〈name〉
A type code is missing from a dictionary and type checking was requested in the dict_ invocation.
One alias, looped names, linking to first
A DDL2 dictionary may contain a list of data names and a single alias outside this loop. In this case, the correct name to which to link the alias must be derived implicitly. If the save-frame code matches the first name in the loop no warning is issued, because the use of the block name was probably the intended result, but if no such match is found this warning is issued.