Tables for
Volume G
Definition and exchange of crystallographic data
Edited by S. R. Hall and B. McMahon

International Tables for Crystallography (2006). Vol. G. ch. 5.4, p. 536

Section Memory management

H. J. Bernsteina* and S. R. Hallb

a Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Kramer Science Center, Dowling College, Idle Hour Blvd, Oakdale, NY 11769, USA, and bSchool of Biomedical and Chemical Sciences, University of Western Australia, Crawley, Perth, WA 6009, Australia
Correspondence e-mail: Memory management

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Since CIFtbx does static memory allocation with DIMENSION statements, it is sometimes necessary to adjust the array dimensions chosen to suit a particular application. It may also be necessary to increase the storage allocated for individual tags to allow for unusually long ones.

The sizes of most arrays and strings used in CIFtbx that might require adjustment are controlled by PARAMETER statements in the files ciftbx.sys and ciftbx.cmv (the variable-declaration portion of ciftbx.cmn). The parameters are shown in Table[link].

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Parameter statements in CIFtbx

NUMCHAR Maximum number of characters in data names (default 48)
MAXBUF Maximum number of characters in a line (default 200, increased to 4096 in CIFtbx 2.7 and later)
NUMPAGE Number of memory resident pages (default 10)
NUMCPP Number of characters per page (default 16 384)
NUMDICT Number of entries in dictionary tables (default 3200)
NUMHASH Number of hash table entries (a modest prime, default 53)
NUMBLOCK Number of entries in data-block tables (default 500)
NUMLOOP Number of loops in a data block (default 50)
NUMITEM Number of items in a loop (default 50)
MAXTAB Maximum number of tabs in output CIF line (default 10)
MAXBOOK Maximum number of simultaneous bookmarks (default 1000)

These values can result in CIFtbx requiring more than a megabyte of memory. On smaller machines working with a small dictionary and simple CIFs, considerable space can be saved by reducing the values of NUMDICT and NUMBLOCK.

On the other hand, an application working with several layered dictionaries and large and complex CIFs with many data items and many loops in a data block might require a version of CIFtbx with larger values of NUMDICT, NUMBLOCK and, perhaps, of NUMLOOP.

The variables NUMPAGE and NUMCPP control the amount of memory to be used to buffer the direct-access file and the size of the data transfers to and from that file. Smaller values will reduce the demand for memory at the expense of slower execution.

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