Tables for
Volume G
Definition and exchange of crystallographic data
Edited by S. R. Hall and B. McMahon

International Tables for Crystallography (2006). Vol. G. ch. 5.4, p. 528

Section General monitor variables

H. J. Bernsteina* and S. R. Hallb

a Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Kramer Science Center, Dowling College, Idle Hour Blvd, Oakdale, NY 11769, USA, and bSchool of Biomedical and Chemical Sciences, University of Western Australia, Crawley, Perth, WA 6009, Australia
Correspondence e-mail: General monitor variables

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These variables are returned by CIFtbx and provide information about the general status of processing.

file_ : character string containing the file name of the current input file.

longf_ : integer variable containing the length of the file name in file.

precn_ : integer variable containing the line number (starting from 1) of the last line written to the output CIF.

recn_ : integer variable containing the line number (starting from 1) of the last line read from the input CIF.

tbxver_ : character*32 variable that is the CIFtbx version and date in the form 'CIFtbx version N.N.N DD MMM YYYY ' (some older versions of CIFtbx use a two-digit year and have a comma after the version number).

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